Hey there, Last week I had a conversation with a Lutheran who was telling me the main differences between their beliefs and Catholicism. One that he mentioned is that they don’t worship Mary. So, naturally I explained that we Catholics don’t worship Mary either … we venerate her. And we pray to her to intercede on our behalf. Mary does play an important role in Catholicism. After all, …
Praising Immaculate Mary
Hey there, Now that Advent has begun and we’re preparing for the coming of our Lord, we pause and celebrate another important figure in Catholicism … His Blessed Mother. Though it can be confusing to celebrate the origins of Mary now, it’s fitting since without Mary, there would be no Jesus. Mary was the very beginning of God’s master plan. Her immaculate conception, which we celebrate on …
Presenting The Blessed Virgin Mary (And Why She Matters)
Hey there, It’s no surprise Mary plays a major role in Catholicism … after all, without Mary there would be no Jesus. But would it surprise you to hear we have 19 Marian celebrations in our Liturgical Calendar? 3 of them are Holy Days of Obligation. Lest you think I exaggerate, here they are: January 1 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God* January 8 The Feast of Our Lady of …
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Why Mary is Called Our Lady of Sorrows (And How She Can Help You)
Hey there, We’re well into the month of September. Fall will officially be here tomorrow. Too bad it doesn’t feel like fall yet. In the Liturgical calendar, September is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. The highlight was the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows last week on September 15th. We still have another 10 days left in the month. Merriam-Webster defines sorrow as Deep distress, …
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Celebrating The Queenship of Mary
Hey there, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is known by many, many names. Many. There are so many, I guarantee there are some you’ve never heard of. Some are names like Blessed Virgin Mother, Mother of Good Counsel, and Comforter of the Afflicted. Some are titles based on apparitions like Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Lourdes, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Litany of the Blessed …
Asking for the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Intercession
Hey there, Children have a special bond with their mother … whether it’s a biological mother, an adopted mother, a grandmother, or a mother figure. Mothers have our best interest at heart. They love us unconditionally and go to great lengths to support us any way they can. And we rely on these special women. Maybe a little too much. Cooking, cleaning, laundry service, taxi driver, hair …
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Harnessing The Power of The Most Holy Name of Mary
Hey there, Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother of our Lord, holds a special place in our hearts. We have countless titles for her and numerous Marian feast days. One of those feast days is coming up on September 12th and it’s called The Most Holy Name of Mary. So naturally, this got me thinking about the name Mary. Interestingly, from the time that the United States started tracking the …
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Celebrating The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Hey there, On Monday, August 15th, Catholics around the world will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Well, some Eastern Catholics will celebrate something slightly different ... more on that below. It’s typically a Holy Day of Obligation, but not this year since it falls on a Monday. I ran across this beautiful poem about the Assumption. Memories of …
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Honoring The Blessed Virgin Mary
Hey there, Mothers are special. Their unconditional love for their children means they’ll do just about anything for them. Mothers sacrifice their own time, treasures, and even desires to ensure their child is happy, healthy, and successful. But it doesn’t take physically giving birth for maternal instinct to kick in. Sometimes a woman we consider to be our mother is not the woman who …
All About The Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hey there, It’s hard to miss news coverage about the war going on in Ukraine. No doubt many prayer requests are being offered! Pope Francis decided it’s time to call on the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So this Friday, March 25th the Pope will Consecrate Ukraine, Russia, and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This may sound familiar. In 1917 Our Lady appeared to the …
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The Real Saint Mary Magdalene
Hey there, What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the name Mary Magdalene? Chances are it may not be accurate. That’s thanks to Catholics in the Middle Ages who spread all kinds of inaccuracies about her. Most notably that she was a prostitute before becoming a follower of Jesus. Though there’s no Biblical evidence of that … she was a sinner. Jesus cast out 7 demons from her. …
The Many Lessons of The Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Hey there, On Monday, May 31st, we will celebrate the Feast of the Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary. You know how this story goes. Upon hearing of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Mary travels to visit her cousin. When hearing Mary’s greeting, John leaps with joy in Elizabeth’s womb. It’s a seemingly simple event … one might even say it’s fairly routine. But a closer examination reveals there are …
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