Hey there,
Today is the 286th day of the year. That means so far, I’ve prayed the Holy Rosary 285 days in a row.
You see, I set praying the Rosary daily as a New Year’s resolution this year. And for once, this is one I’ve actually kept.
Before you get too impressed, I must admit I was also going to listen to Father Schmitz’s Bible in Year podcast and I dropped off that one several months into it. (Something to work on next year!)
I had a few trial runs before with a daily Rosary … in smaller increments. I started with the 30 days of May one year. And I worked my way up to every day during Lent another year. I did pretty well with those, though some days when I left it for bedtime, I’d nod off before finishing. So this year, I knew better than to leave it for bedtime. I found some success early on with breaking it up into smaller pieces over the course of the day … so it’s not so overwhelming. But my favorite is to pray the Rosary while I’m out walking the neighborhood.
I’ve always loved the Rosary, but now I have an even deeper appreciation for it and I look forward to it every day.
Whether it’s been a while since you prayed the Rosary, or you’d like to try a daily Rosary, or you’ve been praying it daily for some time now, this issue of Genuflect has something for you. We look at the origins of the Rosary, reasons to pray the Rosary, how to pray the Rosary, and how to pray it every day, how to love praying the Rosary … even if you find it boring, how to pray the Rosary at Mass, and with kids, and there’s even more.
I’ve got 80 days to go. I don’t want to be too presumptuous, but I feel pretty confident I’ll succeed. And I expect to keep right on going into next year. If you’re not already praying a daily Rosary, I highly recommend you give it a try!
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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genuflect: resources
The Origin of The Rosary
Ever wonder who invented the Rosary and where it got its name? You’ll find these answers as well as various ways to pray the Rosary in this complete guide.
The Rosary: A Complete Guide to its Origin And How to Pray it | Aleteia
10 Reasons to Pray The Rosary
If you need some motivation to begin praying the Rosary, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 10 of them!
Ten Reasons to Start Praying the Rosary | Catholic Exchange
How to Pray The Rosary
If you’re looking for an aid to help you pray the Rosary, here’s the online one I use. Actually, I created it so I’m rather fond of it. It includes all the prayers and all the Mysteries by day so you’ll know exactly what to pray. You might want to bookmark it on your phone.
How to Pray The Catholic Rosary | The Rosary Boutique
How to Pray The Rosary Every Day
Even when you commit to praying the Rosary daily, it can still be tough. Here are 4 ways to do it. One of these may be the tip you need for success.
4 Easiest Ways to Pray the Rosary Everyday | Reverent Catholic Mass
How to Love The Rosary
If you struggle with praying the Rosary, this article is for you! Katrina Fernandez offers several ideas on how to make praying the Rosary less boring.
How to Learn to Love The Rosary (Even if You Hate it) | Aleteia
How to Pray The Rosary at Mass
I used to see people praying the Rosary at Mass, but not anymore. Timothy Flanders makes the argument that the Rosary’s meditations align perfectly with the Holy Mass. He’s laid out how to pray the Rosary at Mass with the mediations lining up before, during, and after the Mass.
How to Pray The Rosary at Mass | One Peter Five
Pray The Rosary With Kids
“Praying the rosary is a beautiful Catholic devotion, and obviously worthy of passing onto the next generation.” Here are 10 tips for praying the Rosary with kids.
How to Pray The Rosary With Kids- 10 Tips to Get Started | Catholic Icing
Other Rosary Prayers
Your Rosary beads are not just for praying the Rosary. Here are 4 other prayers you can recite with the aid of your Rosary beads. You may just find a new favorite prayer.
A Treasure Trove of Prayers to Pray on Rosary Beads | Blessed is She
Receiving The Promises of The Rosary
We first covered the Rosary three years ago in this article. You may find a little overlap with this year’s version, but there’s also some good info about blessed Rosaries, wearing Rosaries, and the proper way to dispose of broken Rosaries.
10 Resources For Receiving The Promises of The Holy Rosary | Genuflect
The Rosary Defeats Evil
Last year we focused on the power of the Rosary to defeat evil. We looked at several war victories attributed to the Rosary and other miraculous events. Enjoy!
How The Rosary Defeats Evil | Genuflect
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Digital Inspiration

Click below to download this week’s free Holy Spirit inspirational wallpaper for your desktop and your phone.
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