Hey there,
October brings cooler weather, colorful leaves, and pumpkin spiced everything.
In the Catholic Church, October brings thirty-one days dedicated to the Holy Rosary. And that’s the focus of this week’s Genuflect.
I love everything about the rosary. The different shapes and colors of the beads. The centerpiece and crucifix. The formality and repetition of the prayers. Working my way around the rosary with each prayer.
One of my favorite rosaries is the first one I received from my grandfather on the occasion of my First Holy Communion. It’s a simple rosary with small, white pearl beads. I think of him everytime I pray with it.
Then there is the beautiful rosary I inherited from my mother. She brought it home years ago from a trip to Rome. The ruby beads are encased in decorative metal and it was blessed by the Pope.
A few years ago I couldn’t pass up a rosary I found in Mexico made from a silky blue cord, with knots tied in place of beads.
These are just a few of my favorite rosaries I’ve collected, along with special ones I’ve been gifted that once belonged to family members. I also enjoy making rosaries by hand.
If you don’t already pray the rosary daily, the month of October is the perfect time for a daily challenge. That’s how I started … committing to a daily rosary for a month. Then during Lent. And finally for a year.
I invite you to join me in praying the rosary this month … and after.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Origins of The Rosary
Not only did the Rosary evolve over time, but so did the Hail Mary prayer. This article traces back the history of praying with beads, to the evolution of the Rosary and its six prayers.
Where Did The Rosary Originate? | Simply Catholic
15 Promises of The Rosary
When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Dominic and asked him to pray the rosary, she made 15 promises for those who devoutly pray the rosary. Here’s what you need to know.
What do The 15 Promises of The Rosary Mean? | Catholically
10 Reasons to Pray The Rosary
Father Ed Broom points out successful people … from CEOs to athletes … begin with a goal in mind. And then they put in the work to achieve that goal. As Catholics our goal is to get to heaven. We have the rosary to help
Ten Reasons to Pray the Holy Rosary | Catholic Exchange
5 More Reasons to Pray The Rosary
There are many reasons to pray the rosary. In addition to the 10 mentioned above, here are 5 more that you may not be aware of.
Five Reasons You Should Pray The Rosary | Knights of Columbus
Don’t Like to Pray The Rosary?
Not everyone enjoys praying the rosary … or has the 20 minutes to spend with it. If you can relate, Edward Sri offers tips for how you can easily incorporate the rosary into your day.
Why Pray the Rosary | Franciscan Media
Connecting With The Rosary
If you struggle to connect with the rosary when you pray, check out this article. Elizabeth Bundy shares how her struggles as a new mother helped her relate more to the sorrowful mysteries.
I Never Connected With The Rosary… Until I Became a Mother | Busted Halo
How to Pray The Rosary
Here you’ll find everything you need to pray the Holy Rosary. Just follow these step-by-step, bead-by-bead instructions, including the appropriate mysteries based on the day of the week.
How to Pray the Catholic Rosary | The Rosary Boutique
Follow Along
If you prefer to have someone else lead you in the rosary, this website is for you. Follow along in either individual mode or select the worldwide mode to join others from around the world currently praying the Rosary.
Come Pray the Rosary | Come Pray The Rosary
Effects of The Daily Rosary
Christina Antus writes: this past Lent I decided I would replace my evening social-media-feed-scroll-fest and park my behind in the living room with a chair and a rosary every night. Here’s what happened in the six months since she started.
What Happened When I Started Praying The Rosary Daily | Catholic Digest
Can I Wear a Rosary?
Father Edward McNamara addresses the question of whether it’s a sin to wear a rosary as a necklace, or as a bracelet. The answer is not so black and white.
Wearing The Rosary as a Necklace | EWTN
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