Hey there,
In Catholicism we talk about the Roman Catholic Church.
And you may hear the term Latin Rite.
Then there’s the Eastern Church … the Western Church … and the Universal Church.
If you’re like me, your head starts to spin when these terms are thrown around.
I was recently told about a mutual acquaintance who grew up Catholic, but it was not a Roman Catholic church. So we were wondering if that person could go to a Roman Catholic church. So that piqued my interest to figure this out.
This week’s issue of Genuflect uncovers exactly what the various Catholic churches are, the history behind the origins, what the difference is between a rite and a church, and what happened with the Great Schism when the Orthodox Christians broke off from the Catholic Church.
The bottom line is that all Catholic churches recognize the authority of the Pope and believe in the same Catholic doctrine, but there are some differences in the way they practice the faith. A Roman Catholic can receive Holy Communion in an Eastern Catholic church. However, if you find yourself in an Orthodox Christian church, do not receive Communion … it’s not allowed unless you’re baptized in the Orthodox church. And likewise, Orthodox Christians cannot receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church.
Enjoy this interesting history lesson about our great religion.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Overview of The Rites
This article is a great place to start because it provides some definitions, looks at the history of the church, and goes into the various Rites. It’s a great setup for the rest of the resources below.
A Brief Overview of The Various Rites Within The Catholic Church | Blessed is She
Origins of Catholicism
As Catholicism spread throughout Europe and the Middle East, a single doctrine was accepted, but the liturgical expression of the faith differed based on the location. Here’s a brief look at how the “rites” were established and the “churches” within each one.
Are There Different Types of Catholicism? | Aleteia
Roman Catholic Plus 23 More Churches
Most people use the term Roman Catholic when referring to the Catholic Church. But the Universal Catholic Church consists of 6 Rites and 24 different churches, the Latin Rite (or Roman Catholic) being the largest one. Here’s an explanation of how these break down, what they have in common, and what is not in common.
The Other 23 Catholic Churches and Why They Exist | Ascension Press
Roman Catholic vs Catholic Religion
Most Catholics in the west are Roman Catholics. But not all Catholics are Roman Catholics. If you’re confused, check out this brief overview that clarifies the situation.
What is The Difference Between The Roman Catholic And the Catholic Religion? | Catholic Online
The Great Schism
In 1054 the Orthodox Church split with the Catholic Church. It became known as the Great Schism. Though some Eastern churches have since rejoined the communion of the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church remains separated. Here’s a historical overview of how the Great Schism happened.
The Great Schism That Divided East And West | EWTN
Roman Catholic vs. Orthodoxy
The Great Schism that split the Roman Catholics with the Orthodox Christians occurred in the 11th century. There are a number of differences between the two in terms of doctrine and tradition. Some are minor, but some are major. Here’s an overview that compares the two..
For Roman Catholics: Quick Questions & Answers on Orthodoxy | St. Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church
Catholicism Worldwide
Jesus sent his Apostles to the four corners of the earth to spread the good news. And their work has continued through the centuries, growing Catholicism worldwide. Here are the top 10 countries with the largest Catholic population.
Countries With The Largest Roman Catholic Populations | WorldAtlas
Catholics in Europe
Catholics are the largest religious group in many European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, Poland, and Spain. Here are 5 interesting facts about Catholics in Europe from the Pew Research Center.
5 Facts About Catholics in Europe | Pew Research Center
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