Hey there,
I must admit I’ve not given much thought to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. I’m blessed that I haven’t needed to.
I guess I fall into the category of one of those Catholics who considers it a Rite for someone who is near death.
And I would be partially right.
Fortunately, through examining the 7 Sacraments, and now getting to the final one, the Anointing of the Sick, I’ve learned that what was once reserved for those near death, is also for those gravely ill or facing a serious surgery.
And it’s performed upon request.
That makes a lot of sense. After all, we ask God for lots of things … especially where our health and well being are concerned. So why not ask for help through the Sacrament?
What is particularly comforting is understanding how the Graces that are received from the Anointing are geared towards our spiritual well being and bringing us closer to God … now and in our afterlife.
This week Genuflect explores the Sacrament of The Anointing of the Sick, what it is, when it’s performed, who performs it, and the sanctifying graces received.
My prayers are with those of you who are recovering from illness or injury. May the Lord give you healing of body, mind, and spirit.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Anointing of The Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick used to be administered to those who were dying. And it still is today. But following the Second Vatican Council, the Sacrament was expanded to include those who are gravely ill or facing a serious surgery. Here’s all about the Anointing of the Sick.
The Sacrament of The Anointing of The Sick | Learn Religions
Sanctifying Graces of The Anointing
God has implanted in us a strong urge to live. So when we’re faced with death, we experience great anxiety. This is where the Sanctifying graces from the Anointing of the Sick come in.
The Sacrament of Anointing of The Sick in The Catholic Church | Beginning Catholic
Who Can be Anointed?
There are several types of people or conditions by which you may receive the Anointing of the Sick … aside from being near death. You may find a couple of these surprising.
Who Can be Anointed? | Simply Catholic
Can it Cure an Illness?
Father Marc Fassier addresses the question as to whether the Anointing of the Sick can actually cure an illness.He says it depends on how you measure effectiveness … and it absolutely can be effective!
Can The Sacrament of The Sick Really Help Cure an Illness? | Aleteia
A Deeper Healing
When we’re ill or injured, we tend to want to be cured as quickly as possible. To return to our healthy state. But as Megan Hjelmstad points out, God is concerned with more than just our physical health.
A Deeper Kind of Healing | Blessed is She
A Misunderstood Sacrament
After more than 50 years as a Priest, Father Kenneth Doyle believes the Anointing of the Sick is the most misunderstood Sarament. Here he clears up some things.
A Misunderstood Sacrament: Anointing of The Sick | Catholic Philly
Anointing of The Sick vs. Last Rites
You’ve probably heard of Last Rites, which is administered to those who are near death. And you may be wondering if it’s the same thing as the Anointing of the Sick. They are two separate rites, though there is some crossover. Father Hugh Vincent Dyer explains.
Are Anointing of The Sick And Last Rites The Same? | Catholic Digest
The Last Rites
Last Rites is actually a combination of three Sacraments performed at the end of someone’s life: Confession, Holy Communion, and the Anointing of the Sick. Here’s how Last Rites is performed.
Learn About Last Rites And How They’re Performed | Learn Religions
genuflect: related
We covered the other Sacraments of the Catholic Church, so you can take a deeper dive into each one:
Receiving Grace From The Sacraments
Shining a Light on Our Baptismal Calling
Driving Graces With The Sacrament of Confirmation
Joining With Christ in The Sacrament of Communion
Celebrating The Sacrament of Matrimony
Utilizing The Sacrament of Confession
Studying The Sacrament of Holy Orders
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