Hey there,
What covers 71% of the Earth and makes up 60% of your body?
I’m sure you know, the answer is water.
Water is essential to life with the average human only lasting about 3 days without it. There are countless studies on the number of glasses of water we should drink every day.
Water is also a sacramental prominently used in the Catholic Church.
We are cleansed of our sins with Holy Water in Baptism and graced with a supernatural rebirth.
We reverently bless ourselves with Holy Water and the Sign of the Cross when we enter church.
At times, the priest sprinkles us with Holy Water during Mass.
But have you ever given much thought to why we use Holy Water? And if you’re taking full advantage of the powers of Holy Water?
This week’s issue of Genuflect takes a deep dive into Holy Water. We look at its origins and use, the types of Holy Water, the role of exorcisms in Holy Water, the types of blessings, using Holy Water outside of church, and the power of Holy Water over the devil.
So while we remember to drink water every day for a healthy life, we should also consider using Holy Water daily … for our afterlife.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Holy Water’s Use
The use of water in rituals is ancient with examples in the Old and New Testaments. Sam Guzman explains the origins of Holy Water, its use in Catholicism, and more importantly its power.
Spiritual Weapons: Holy Water | The Catholic Gentleman
TL;DR Holy Water
If you’re in a hurry, this clever infographic is for you. It covers the basics of what you need to know about Holy Water.
Infographic: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Holy Water | Catholic LInk
Types of Holy Water
This article is rather lengthy, but scroll down towards the bottom to the “Holy Water for Personal Use” section and you’ll get to the really good stuff. Of particular note is how to dispose of Holy Water and the descriptions of three types of Holy Water.
Holy Water | Fish Eaters
Gregorian Water
You may not be familiar with Gregorian Water, but a discussion of Holy Water would not be complete without taking a look at this very special sacramental and the special circumstances when it’s used.
What is Gregorian Water? | St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church
Exorcisms And Holy Water
Not only are there different types of Holy Water, but there are different blessings for Holy Water. According to Msgr. Charles Pope there is no official teaching about the superiority of one type over the other. Check out his explanation about the differences … and the role of exorcisms.
Types of Holy Water | Our Sunday Visitor News
Old Rite vs. New Rite Blessing
A blessing is a blessing, right? Kevin Losleben believes in the power of the Old Rite blessing when it comes to Holy Water’s power to protect bodily health. Read his interesting experience comparing the different Holy Waters and compare the blessings for yourself. You may be convinced to request the Old Rite blessing for your Holy Water.
Holy Water in the Time of Coronavirus: Old and New Compared | One Peter Five
Why we Cross Ourselves With Holy Water
Every time we enter (and leave) a church we make the sign of the cross with holy water. It’s as second nature as genuflecting before entering the pew. But do you know why we do this? The meaning is deep and the origins of this tradition go way back.
Why do Catholics Bless Themselves With Holy Water When Entering a Church? | Aleteia
Holy Water Outside Church
You’re no doubt familiar with the various ways we use Holy Water in the church and during Mass. But it’s not meant to be exclusive to Mass. Here are 10 ways you can use Holy Water to sanctify your life.
How to Use Holy Water: 10 Ways to Use Holy Water to Sanctify Your Life | Catholic Faith Store
Holy Water And The Devil
St. Teresa of Avila tells in her autobiography of the power of Holy Water to dispel the devil when it was torturing her … on more than one occasion. She makes a great case for keeping Holy Water on hand.
St. Teresa of Avila’s Demonic Experience that Proved the Power of Holy Water | ChurchPOP
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