Hey there,
Has anyone ever told you “do you?”
They were telling you to be true to yourself.
Maybe you’ve even said it to someone else.
The psychologists tell us being authentically yourself leads to more happiness. So the phrase and mindset have grown in popularity over the past few years.
I can attest to one aspect of my life where this philosophy made me a lot happier.
Remember back in the late 70’s, early 80’s curly hair was “in?” I spent so much time curling my straight hair. Only to have it lose the curl midway through the day..
I finally decided my straight hair just wanted to be straight. So I stopped curling it. And I let it be straight.
And sure enough, me — and my hair — are a lot happier! It didn’t hurt that straight hair came back in style.
It’s kind of a silly example, but it perfectly describes how doing something that is authentic will come very easily, save you time, and ultimately lead to more happiness.
Here’s another example … that is not silly. The Lord has given each of us one or more graces that we are to use to build up the church — known as charisms.
Charisms are different from the “gifts of the Holy Spirit” or the “fruits of the Holy Spirit” that we also receive. Our charisms are meant to be shared with others to enhance the church.
When we discern our charisms and engage them in our lives, it comes very naturally and everything falls into place.
This week Genuflect will help you understand exactly what charisms are, how they work, how to discern your charisms, how your charisms can alter your life, and much more.
So you can say you’re “doing you” … with the special graces the Lord has blessed you with.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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What is a Charism?
Before you can live out your charisms, you need to understand what they are. Charisms are spiritual gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit in order to build up the church. They are different from the 7 gifts of the holy spirit and the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Here’s how.
What is a Charism? | St. Andre Bessette Parish
Charisms FAQs
Want to know more about charisms? Here are the top frequently asked questions about charisms.
FAQs About Charisms And Discerning Your Spiritual Gifts | Catherine of Siena Institute
Discerning Charisms
Sherry Weddell says that there are 2 times when charisms will be revealed. One is after a spiritual reawakening and the other is when we meet the person or situation that needs it. Here she lays out 5 ways that discerning our charisms can impact our life.
What Are Charisms? Do I Have Any? And How do I Discern Them? | Catholic Weekly
6 Steps to Discernment
Not sure what your charisms are? No problem! Here are 6 easy steps to discerning your spiritual gifts.
Six Easy Steps to Discernment | Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts
Need a little extra help discerning your charisms? Here is a spiritual gifts inventory to help you identify your gifts.
Spiritual Gifts Inventory | St. Austin Catholic Church
Activating Your Charisms
Discerning our charisms is one thing, but we still have to activate them. Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio says there may be several reasons why we are afraid to exercise the charisms we’ve been given. Here’s what you need to know to gain the confidence to take action.
Charisms of The Holy Spirit – How They Work | Crossroads Initiative
Third Orders For The Laity
Priests, nuns, and other religious take vows and live a secluded life. Did you know that the laity can also join secular orders? They are called third orders and here’s what you need to know.
Third Orders, Explained, And How Joining One Changed my Life | Busted Halo
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Photo by Léa Dubedout on Unsplash