“The first sign of intelligence is the ability to follow directions.”
I can’t tell you how many times Sister Mary Brian Bole repeated this over the years at my Catholic high school. I don’t know if she borrowed the phrase from someone else. But it came to be one of her signature statements. Whenever one of us was not doing what we were supposed to do, you’d hear Sister Mary Brian repeat the line.
I said it to my kids a time or two … always giving Sister Mary Brian credit, of course.
I wonder how many times God has wanted to tell us that the first sign of intelligence is the ability to follow directions?
He’s given us plenty of directions. He’s told us what we need to do … and what not to do to gain entry to heaven. Through the prophets, through Jesus, the Apostles, and Saints.
Some of His most important directions are the Ten Commandments. This week’s issue of Genuflect seeks to help us learn more about the Ten Commandments, so we can more closely follow His directions to try to become a saint.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
Sister Mary Brian Bole, SSND, 1945 – 2020
Rest in Peace my friend. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. Amen.
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Moses And The Ten Commandments
God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, writing them on two stone tablets. Here’s a summary of the events, including biblical references, and a discussion as to their importance.
Moses And The Ten Commandments Bible Story Study Guide | Learn Religions
The Decalogue
The Ten Commandments are also known as The Decalogue, which literally means “ten words.” Here’s what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about them.
Catechism of The Catholic Church | Catholic Culture
The Ten Commandments
Our secular world pushes us further away from God’s law, removing it from our schools, our courthouses, and just about everywhere you look. It’s important for us to keep them close to our heart. Here’s a refresher on the Ten Commandments, and how to keep them in our daily lives.
Ten Commandments | Catholic Stand
Did Catholics Change The Ten Commandments?
If you Google the Ten Commandments you’ll see different versions of them. So which ones are the Catholic Commandments? And why are they different? The Lonely Pilgrim has the answers.
St. Augustine on How to Divide The Ten Commandments: Did Catholics “Change” The Ten Commandments? | Lonely Pilgrim
Jesus’ Summary of The Ten Commandments
The Jewish religious leaders ask Jesus which of God’s laws is the most important. He cleverly summed them up in these two sentences.
Jesus Summed up The 10 Commandments With These Two Statements | Aleteia
Laws vs. Doctrine
If you believe there are too many rules in Catholicism to keep up, you’re not alone. But the reality is, there aren’t that many laws. There are a lot of doctrines. Here’s the difference between the two.
Too Many Rules In Catholicism? | Simply Catholic
The Spiritual Side of The Commandments
Susanna Spencer reminds us that we are not to just take the Ten Commandments literally. There is also a spiritual application for each of them. Here’s what you need to know.
He Calls Us to Be Great | Blessed is She
Easily Memorize The Ten Commandments
Here’s an easy way to memorize the Catholic Ten Commandments using your ten fingers.
Catholic Academy – Commandment Edition | Family Formation Blog
genuflect: related
Genuflect covered each of the 10 Commandments in detail:
Delving Into The First Commandment’s Deeper Meanings
Removing Blasphemy From Your Vocabulary
Remembering to Keep Holy The Sabbath
Honoring Your Father And Your Mother
The Fifth Commandment’s Call to Respect Human Life
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Stealing: It’s About Respecting More Than Property
NOT Bearing False Witness Against Your Neighbor
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
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Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Christmas wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash