Hey there,
A few years ago I was visiting one of my kids at college and I decided to take advantage of confession that was offered ahead of Mass at the campus Catholic church. I sat face to face with the Priest and he asked me how my relationship was with my parents.
Sadly, I reported to him that my parents were both deceased. And we moved on to another topic.
I thought at the time it was an odd question to ask me … of all the things he could have asked.
I guess the Priest was accustomed to asking his college-age parishioners about the Fourth Commandment. He wasn’t quite ready for a middle-aged mom.
But what a great thing for a Priest to draw kid’s attention to! That warms a mom’s heart.
The Fourth Commandment seems easy enough, but if you dig deeper, there’s a lot to it. This week’s issue of Genuflect uncovers why we should honor our parents and how to honor them … even if it’s hard.
Spoiler alert: We should all be honoring our parents, regardless of our age, but how we honor them may look a little different, depending on our relationship with them. I’m still honoring mine as best I can from down here.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Fourth Commandment
Some may believe the Fourth Commandment stops once you’re no longer a child, but this is not the case. Here’s an overview of what honor means, how we should honor our families, and how to honor them.
Honor Thy Father & Thy Mother | America Needs Fatima
Understanding The Fourth Commandment
This short and sweet article explains why we should honor our father and mother. And who all the Fourth Commandment includes.
Understanding The Fourth Commandment | St. Peter Catholic Church
Why We’re Called to Honor Our Parents
Sometimes when you understand the reason for doing something it makes it easier to do it. Fr Robert McTeigue offers his insight as to why we are called to honor our father and mother. And what you can do if your parents failed you.
Honor my Mother And my Father? Why Should I? | Aleteia
Honoring Parents Who Aren’t Deserving
Parents are human and, as we know, humans are not perfect.So how do you follow the Fourth Commandment if you don’t believe your parents are deserving of your honor? Dyllan Mamasig provides some suggestions.
Honor Your Father And Mother… Even if You Don’t Think They Deserve it | Life Teen
6 Ways to Honor Your Parents
What does honoring your parents look like exactly? Tim Challies offers 6 practical ways you can honor your mother and father now and throughout the years.
6 Practical Ways to Honor Your Parents | Tim Challies
Honoring Elderly Parents
The nuclear family has changed since Moses shared the 10 commandments. Today our lives are busy and our families may be spread out across the globe. So what are our responsibilities to our elderly parents based on the 4th commandment? Here is Anthony Layne’s response..
How Should we Honor Our Elderly Parents? | Catholic Stand
Honoring Divorced Parents
Divorce rips apart a family, leaves scars, and can poison relationships between parents and children. Graciela Rodriguez opens up about her experiences and shares how she found a way to keep the Fourth Commandment.
Honoring Your Father And Mother….as a Child of Divorce | Life-giving Wounds
Honoring Deceased Parents
Honoring our mother and father does not have to end upon their death. Here’s a brief prayer we can pray often for the repose of their souls.
Pray This Prayer For Your Deceased Parents | Aleteia
genuflect: related
You may enjoy Genuflect’s other articles about the 10 Commandments:
Following God’s Directions: The Ten Commandments
Delving Into The First Commandment’s Deeper Meanings
Removing Blasphemy From Your Vocabulary
Remembering to Keep Holy The Sabbath
The Fifth Commandment’s Call to Respect Human Life
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Stealing: It’s About Respecting More Than Property
NOT Bearing False Witness Against Your Neighbor
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
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Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Christmas wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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