Hey there,
As Catholics, we believe our life here on Earth is preparation for our afterlife with our Heavenly Father. Jesus laid the groundwork for us. He’s given us all the information we need to prepare.
But of course, it’s on us to do the work to get to heaven.
Unfortunately, all the studies indicate that fewer and fewer of us are practicing Catholicism.
Gallup surveys show that fewer than 4 in 10 Catholics attend church in any given week … and the number is on the decline. From 2014 to 2017, an average of 39% of Catholics reported attending church in the past seven days. This is down from an average of 45% from 2005 to 2008.
So odds are pretty good that someone you know and love has become a “lapsed Catholic.”
It may be a child. A godchild. A sibling. Or even a parent. It may be a close friend.
Or sadly, it may be a combination of several of these loved ones.
It’s heartbreaking to think we may not spend eternity with them. It’s a helpless feeling. But the outlook is not totally bleak.
There is something we can do.
There are numerous examples in the Bible and in the lives of our Saints.
But perhaps the most famous is Saint Monica whose tireless efforts over many years resulted in her pagan husband converting to Catholicism before his death.
And even more astonishing, St. Monica’s “playboy” son converted to Catholicism, became a priest, then a bishop, and ultimately was canonized a Saint and declared a Doctor of the Church!
It only took 17 years of his mother’s prayers and sacrifices. Of course, I’m talking about St. Augustine of Hippo.
This week’s Genuflect provides guidance on how to bring your loved ones back to the Church. We look at reasons to return, approaches you can take, types of “lapsed Catholics,” how you can help, and how to return to the Church.
If you fear for the salvation of a loved one, take heart … and take action. Just remember that the Lord works on His time … not ours.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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6 Kinds of Lapsed Catholics
Brandon Vogt categorizes lapsed catholics into six categories, based on why they left the faith. They range from people who switch to a protestant faith, and those who are spiritual but not religious, to those who are skeptical. Read more about all six types.
From ‘Shruggers’ to ‘Skeptics:’ The Six Different Kinds of Lapsed Catholic | Catholic Herald
Getting a Little Help
If you are interested in helping a loved one return to the Catholic faith, Father Mike Schmitz says it’s important to lay some groundwork. First, ask him why he left … so you fully understand the reason why. Secondly, pray to the Lord for His assistance to help you find the right way to share the Good News of the Lord to touch your loved one’s heart and bring him back.
You Can Bring Someone Back to The Faith – But First | Bulldog Catholic
Praying For Those Who Have Fallen Away
Prayer is such a powerful gift from our Lord. He invites us to pray with insistence and with confidence. And miracles happen when He answers our prayers. This is why one of the most powerful ways we can help our loved ones who have drifted away from their faith, is to pray for them. Here are 7 tips for praying for their return to the Church.
Prayers For The Fallen Away do Work Miracles | National Catholic Register
Bringing Loved Ones Back to The Church
Father Ed Broom reports that “In many predominantly Catholic countries, the second largest religion is non-practicing Catholics.” He goes on to say that “Right now, you are called to be a spiritual Fisherman, a loving brother or sister to become a bridge to cross them back over to the ultimate source of grace and Truth—the Catholic Church.” And, more importantly, Fr. Broom shares 10 ways we can help wandering Catholics return home.
Bring Them Back Alive! Ten Ways to Help Catholics Return Home | Catholic Exchange
Bringing Any Young Person Back to The Church
Young Catholics are abandoning their faith in droves, leaving parents and family members feeling helpless. Brandon Vogt offers encouragement with a 7-step plan to bring them back based on his years of research on the subject. Just don’t expect this to be a quick-fix. This is a long-term plan.
7 Steps to Bring Any Young Person Back to The Church | Brandon Vogt
Helping Your Parents Return to The Church
We typically hear about children drifting away from the Church. But sometimes, it’s a parent and roles are reversed. Here are 5 things a child can do to help a parent return home to the Catholic Church.
Are Your Parents Away From The Church? Here Are 5 Things You Can do to Help Them | Epic Pew
Returning to The Church When You’ve Been Away
One of the reasons some lapsed Catholics don’t return to the Church … or delay their return … is because they don’t know how. They are unsure how they will feel, what they should do, and if there is a formality involved. But the truth is, it’s not difficult. Begin with these three simple steps.
Welcome Back! Three Steps for Catholics Returning to The Church After Being Away | Busted Halo
Sharing The Catholic Faith With Non-Catholics
If you grew up with the Muppets like I did, you recall Kermit the frog famously saying, “It’s not easy being green.” Likewise, Tyler Blanski recognizes that it’s not easy for Catholics to share their faith with non-Catholics. But he also shares encouragement for when the going gets rough and 3 things to remember when sharing your Catholic faith.
When It Hurts: How To Share the Catholic Faith With Non-Catholics | Aleteia
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