Hey there,
Did you see all the Christmas stuff in the stores before Halloween?
They get earlier every year.
It’s not even Thanksgiving and stores are already promoting black Friday sales.
There are even some houses in my neighborhood who have their Christmas lights up and on at night. And I’ve seen a Christmas tree in a window.
At the risk of adding to the pre-Thanksgiving Christmas hype … I’m going to talk about Christmas now too.
But hear me out … I have a good reason.
Once December gets here, our spare time is quickly filled with all the activities leading up to Christmas like holiday decorating, shopping, wrapping presents, cooking, and parties. Followed by more shopping, wrapping, cooking, and celebrating.
It can be overwhelming and stressful.
More importantly, it can take away from our time to prepare for the coming of our Lord. That’s what we should be doing during Advent, the four weeks leading up to Christmas.
Advent begins this year on Sunday, November 27th.
The best way to ensure you get the most joy out of Christmas is to take the time now for Advent preparation.
This week’s Genuflect looks at ways to plan your Advent to get the most out of it. Things you can do every day, focusing on holiness, specific prayers for Advent, the meaning of each week in Advent, and what it’s really all about.
So plan your Advent now. Otherwise, you risk Christmas day arriving and all you’ll have accomplished is decorating, shopping, wrapping, and cooking. And you’ll miss out on the real joy.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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20 Ways to Go All in This Advent
Holidays means holy days. So brush off the secular and bring holiness back to the Advent season with these 20 ideas for preparing for a holy Christmas.
20 Ways to go All in This Advent | National Catholic Register
Prepare For a Quiet Advent Now
It’s easy to get swept up in all the hype of Christmas. And fact is, a Christ-centered Advent does not magically happen. It’s up to each of us to quiet down and joyfully anticipate Christ’s coming this Christmas.Here are 6 things you can do now.
6 Ways to Prepare a Quiet Advent NOW | Blessed is She
An Easier Advent Season in Under 10 Minutes a Day
Rather than give in to the stress of the holidays, put together a plan of attack to ensure you have time for what matters to really prepare your heart for the birth of our Lord. Here are 5 things you can do to help plan for a joyous Christmas.
How to Make This Year’s Holiday Season Easier … in Less Than 10 Minutes a Day | Aleteia
Be Patient With my Blessings
During Advent we prepare for the 2 comings of Jesus Christ. As Father Bill Peckman explains, it’s also a time where we can lose sight of our blessings and become impatient. Here’s what he means by this perfect advice for us this Advent Season.
A Priest’s Solid Advice For an Advent in Holiness: Be Patient With Your Blessings | ChurchPOP
Make an Advent Resolution
Did you know that Advent is a penitential season? It’s true! Like Lent, it’s a time for praying, fasting, and almsgiving. That part of it just gets overlooked. This year, why not make an Advent resolution to draw closer to the Christ child.
Have You Ever Tried Making an Advent Resolution? | Aleteia
The Rosary is The Perfect Prayer For Advent
There are lots of ways to prepare our heart and mind for the coming of Jesus, but perhaps the best way is with prayer that leads us to Christ through Mary. Here are 3 reasons to include the Rosary in your Advent preparation.
3 Reasons Why The Rosary is The Perfect Prayer For Advent | Aleteia
Pray This Advent Novena Beginning Nov. 30
St. Andrew’s Feast day is November 30th and it’s typically when praying this Advent Novena begins. It will help keep you focused on the true meaning of Christmas and prepare your heart for His coming. Mark your calendar now and set a daily reminder.
Advent Novena | Catholic News Agency
The Special Meaning of The Four Sundays of Advent
Each week during Advent takes on special meaning as we prepare our heart and mind for Jesus’ birth. As shown in this creative infographic, the Advent Wreath is a beautiful reminder of the hope, faith, joy, and peace of the Advent season … and is the perfect way to stay focused on our own preparation.
The Special Meaning of Each of The Four Sundays of Advent | ChurchPOP
Advent in 2 Minutes
To get the most out of the coming Advent season, it helps to be reminded of what it’s all about. This creative video offers an entertaining look at the joy of Advent and will get you properly motivated.
WATCH: Advent in Two Minutes | Busted Halo
Always be Ready For Christ
Though we typically think of Advent as preparing for the birth of Jesus, it’s also a time to prepare for His second coming. Jaime L. Waters reminds us that we don’t know when the end will come so we must always be ready and see Christ in those around us.
This Advent, Prepare Your Heart (And Adjust Your Vision) | America
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Christmas Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Christmas wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash