Hey there,
Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, almsgiving … and penance.
Also known as reconciliation.
And confession.
Whatever you call it, it’s an important part of the Lenten season.
I remember my mother dragging me to Confession a few days before Easter every year. Without fail.
Parishes schedule more times to hear Confessions during Lent … especially during Holy Week.
But only four-in-ten Catholics (43%) say they go to Confession at least once a year according to a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center.
I’m sure there are lots of reasons why a large majority of Catholics don’t go to Confession … despite the fact that we’re supposed to go at least once a year. And ideally more often.
I’m ashamed to admit I still struggle with going to Reconciliation regularly. It’s definitely something I’m working on!
This issue of Genuflect is devoted to the sacrament of Reconciliation. We look at its history, its various titles and myths, a guide to confession and examination of conscience resources, and various struggles you may encounter with Confession.
Regardless of what you call it … and whether you’ve not been to Confession in years, or weeks, I pray you’ll find some helpful information here.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The History of Reconciliation
Reconciliation has its roots in the Bible, but it took a while for the current form of the sacrament to evolve. Here’s a brief history of the evolution of Reconciliation.
A Simple History of Reconciliation | Team RCIA
5 Names For 1 Sacrament
Confession, Reconciliation, Penance … these are just three names we use for the sacrament. There are two more titles, each one focusing on a slightly different aspect. Here’s a quick overview of all of the titles for the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Confession, Reconciliation, Penance: Why so Many Names For One Sacrament? | Aleteia
Myths About Confession
Reconciliation is one of the most misunderstood sacraments. Do you believe any of these 5 myths?
5 Myths About Confession That Too Many People Still Believe (Maybe Even You!) | ChurchPOP
A Guide to Confession
Confession is good for the soul. Sure, it can also be intimidating and embarrassing … although you probably won’t die of embarrassment in the confessional. Here are some helpful tips and resources for going to Confession.
So, You Want to Go to Confession? A Guide | Busted Halo
Examination of Conscience
An examination of conscience helps you prepare for confession. Here are several PDFs to choose from depending on if you’re an adult, a child, or based on Scripture. You can print it out and even take it with you into the confessional.
Examination of Conscience | Good Confession
Mortal Sins to Avoid
It’s important to know the difference between venial and mortal sins. This will clear up the confusion so you’ll know which sins are a “grave matter.”
List of Mortal Sins Every Catholic Should Know | St. Mary of the Seven Dolors
Getting Over Fear of Confession
It seems like there are two camps of confessors. Those who go all the time and those who rarely go. If you’re in the latter camp, check out this advice from Stephanie H. To.
How to Get Over Your Fear of Confession | Catholic Stand
Confessing The Same Sins?
If you find yourself confessing the same sins over and over … and wondering what’s the point, don’t despair. Check out Father Justin Huang’s advice and motivation that will help you begin to see progress.
To Overcome Sin, Go to Confession More! | The Just Measure
When Confession Doesn’t Remove Guilt
We expect after Reconciliation that we should feel amazing. But our guilt may not always allow it. Fr. Goyo Hidalgo posted some excellent advice about dealing with these feelings.
“Don’t Be Afraid of Confession…Feelings Don’t Determine Forgiveness,” Parish Priest Encourages | ChurchPOP
Why Confess to a Priest
Your Protestant friends may ask why you need to confess your sins to a Priest. Here are a couple of reasons.
Confess My Sins to a Priest? Why Can’t I Just Talk to God? | National Catholic Register
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