Hey there,
I remember when I was young, there were certain items you couldn’t purchase on Sunday.
More than one Sunday we were told we couldn’t purchase some items in our cart.
That’s because there were “blue laws” in place that allowed stores to only sell items that were necessities. Like medicine, food, and some beverages.
And apparently even further back in the 18th century, the blue laws forbade certain secular activities on Sunday, like working, travelling, and playing sports … in addition to buying and selling.
Most of the blue laws were repealed a long time ago. But I was surprised to see there are still some in place, depending on your location. Like in Texas where I live, car dealerships must remain closed on either Saturday or Sunday. And, there are still some restrictions in place for the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
The blue laws harken back to a time when society as a whole took our “day of rest” more seriously. And maybe we did too.
This week’s issue of Genuflect recalls the third commandment and what it means. So regardless of what our culture and our laws say about Sunday, we can make sure we’re remembering to “keep holy the sabbath day.”
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Third Commandment
Bishop Joseph Strickland explains why Christians recognize the Sabbath on Sunday and how we are to keep it holy.
Sunday: The Lord’s Day and Our Day | Simply Catholic
Your Salvation Depends on it
I’ve included this article before, but it’s so good I had to include it here. Father Bill Peckman challenges all Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday. He addresses many of the reasons we give for not attending, from boredom or being hurt by the Church, to rambunctious children. Regardless of the reason, there’s one reason we all should go.
A Priest’s Challenge For All Catholics: Worship at Sunday Mass – Your Salvation Depends on it! | ChurchPOP
Why Rest on Sundays
The world pressures us to be productive on Sundays. But Sam Guzman suggests we Catholics should resist and offers 7 reasons why.
Thou Shalt Take it Easy: 7 Reasons to Embrace Sunday Rest | Catholic Gentleman
How to Keep Sunday Holy
We live busy lives and it can be a challenge to not labor on Sunday. The Blessed Catholic Mom says the key to it is planning. She has some helpful ideas.
How to Keep The Sabbath Day Holy | Blessed Catholic Mom
7 Ways to Refresh Your Sabbath
Keeping holy the Sabbath involves resting and worshiping. If you’ve let life get in the way of your Sabbath, Jessie Bazan offers 7 ways you can refocus your Sundays.
7 Ways to Refresh Your Sabbath | US Catholic
Reclaiming Sunday
Hunter Leonard believes the key to reclaiming your Sabbath lies in how you look at the week divided between the work days and the weekend. He has a better idea.
Reclaiming Sunday | Catholic Stand
What if I’m Late to Mass?
If you arrive late to Mass, does it still fulfill your Sunday obligation? And how late is too late? Cathy Cardini says the answer is not found in Canon Law. But she does provide some practical advice for handling these situations.
Canon Law And Arriving Late For Mass | Canon Law Made Easy
Sunday Sports?
Christian Brugger tackles the difficult question of whether it’s acceptable to watch sports on a Sunday. The answer is not quite so black and white.
Sunday Sports And Honoring The Third Commandment | National Catholic Register
Post Pandemic Participation
I’ve noticed at my parish our weekly Mass attendance has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, despite the Mass dispensation having been lifted. So it does beg the question as to whether it’s a sin to miss Mass. Michael O’Loughlin takes a thoughtful look at the answer.
Explainer: Your Bishop Said It’s Time to Come Back to Church. Is it a Sin if You Don’t go? | America Magazine
genuflect: related
You may enjoy Genuflect’s other articles about the 10 Commandments:
Following God’s Directions: The Ten Commandments
Delving Into The First Commandment’s Deeper Meanings
Removing Blasphemy From Your Vocabulary
Honoring Your Father And Your Mother
The Fifth Commandment’s Call to Respect Human Life
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Stealing: It’s About Respecting More Than Property
NOT Bearing False Witness Against Your Neighbor
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
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Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Christmas wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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