Hey there,
Noah was taking the animals into the ark in pairs as he had been commanded by God. He took in elephants, giraffes, cows, bears, monkeys and all the animals.
Finally, he tried to take in a donkey. He told the donkey to go in, but the donkey would not go in. He tried pushing the donkey in, but the donkey would not move. He tried pulling the donkey in, but the donkey would not move.
As he was getting exasperated he said to the donkey, “Get in you devil!”
Eventually after many more attempts Noah succeeded in enticing the donkey into the ark. However, Noah noticed that there was a devil in the ark.
He asked the devil, “How did you get in here?”
The devil replied, “You told me to get in.”
The moral of the story is that when we are angry we say all sorts of things that we are sorry for afterwards.
I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that since you’re reading Genuflect, you’ve probably never committed murder. And probably won’t ever commit murder.
So, you probably feel pretty safe that you won’t break the Fifth Commandment: Thou shalt not kill.
But there’s more to the Fifth Commandment than just those 4 words. There are other ways of killing … like suicide, euthanasia, and abortion. And the Fifth Commandment extends to respecting all human life, so you need to be mindful of sinful activities like gossiping, insulting others, and being angry.
These are all aspects of the Fifth Commandment that Genuflect considers this week. So we can avoid calling the devil into our life by not respecting human dignity.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Fifth Commandment
Opus Dei provides a thorough dialogue about what the Fifth Commandment entails, citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other Catholic references.
Topic 34: Fifth Commandment | Opus Dei
Killing With Words
You know the saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” According to Pope Francis insults are “… a way of killing the dignity of a person” and goes against the Fifth Commandment. Kathleen N. Hattrup explains.
Killing Someone’s Reputation
There’s a difference between sharing news about someone and spreading gossip. The former can be used for noble and good purposes while the latter is a sin of the Fifth Commandment. The difference lies in the motivation behind the action. Denise Hunnell breaks it down for us.
Pope Francis And The Anatomy of Gossip | Catholic Stand
The Fifth And Anger
Anger can lead someone to commit the sin of murder. But did you realize that being angry with others … without actually killing … is also a sin of the Fifth Commandment? Here’s why and what you can do to combat anger in your life.
Overcoming The Deadly Sin of Anger | One Peter Five
The Fifth And Euthanasia
Physician-assisted suicide is legal in some US states and countries. It’s presented as a compassionate way to end someone’s suffering. The Catholic Church views it differently.
The Fifth Commandment: The Slippery Slope of Euthanasia | Catholic Stand
The Fifth And Abortion
The Fifth Commandment is about respecting human life. And according to Pope Francis, that includes the smallest of lives, at their very beginning. Here’s what our Pope has said about Abortion and the Fifth Commandment.
Abortion is like hiring a hitman, says pope in strong defense of 5th Commandment | Aleteia
The Fifth And The Death Penalty
Did you know that Pope Francis changed the teaching on the death penalty in the Catechism of the Catholic Church in 2018? Here’s what you need to know.
Pope Francis Changes Teaching on Death Penalty, It’s ‘Inadmissible’ | Crux Now
The Fifth And Self Defense
The Fifth Commandment instructs us to not kill. But what about defending yourself or another against a threat? Is it acceptable or should you turn the other cheek? Sam Guzman sheds some light.
The Catholic Guide to Self Defense | Catholic Gentleman
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Following God’s Directions: The Ten Commandments
Delving Into The First Commandment’s Deeper Meanings
Removing Blasphemy From Your Vocabulary
Remembering to Keep Holy The Sabbath
Honoring Your Father And Your Mother
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Stealing: It’s About Respecting More Than Property
NOT Bearing False Witness Against Your Neighbor
Uncovering The Sin of Adultery
Coveting Your Neighbor’s Goods
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