Tomorrow is set aside to give thanks. For our family, our friends. And so much more.
Our thanks are expressed in big and small ways.
We go to Mass.
We spend time with the ones we love.
We call those who are far away.
We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
And we demonstrate our thanks by giving of ourselves in service to others.
We donate to a food bank.
We deliver Meals on Wheels.
We check up on an elderly neighbor.
Thanksgiving Day itself is a blessing to remind us to stop and give thanks and give of ourselves.
But it’s what Jesus asks us to do throughout the year.
This week’s Genuflect provides inspiration for giving thanks and giving of ourselves through volunteering … not just on Thanksgiving … but every day.
I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and many blessings … tomorrow and in the coming year.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Editor, Genuflect
6 Interesting Catholic Thanksgiving Facts You Need to Know
When you’re sitting down for that wonderful feast on Thursday, here are 6 interesting Catholic Thanksgiving Facts you can share with your family.
12 Meaningful Thanksgiving traditions for the whole family
As many households get ready for Thanksgiving celebrations, here are some timeless traditions that you might want to adopt with your family and friends to make your day even more meaningful, and memorable.
Ten Tips for a Catholic Thanksgiving
These days, Thanksgiving is not so much a celebration of God’s goodness and an expression of our gratitude as it is an indulgence of our appetites: for food, for possessions and for entertainment. This year, why not try to return to a more Catholic approach to the holiday? Here are ten ways.
2 Short Thanksgiving Prayers (Good for the Not-too-Prayerful Family)
The spirit of this holiday is a beautiful thing. All we have to do is “show up.” We do not even have to bring gifts. Just put a smile on the face, expose a thankful heart, and be yourself. Here are two Thanksgiving prayers that fit the occasion.
How to End Each Day in a Positive Spirit of Thanksgiving
After a long, tiresome day, often the last thing we think of is thanking God for what transpired. Yet, the spirit in which we fall asleep can impact subsequent days and if we fall asleep angry or bitter, we will likely wake up angry and bitter. St. Ignatius of Loyola has some advice in this regard.
7 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Own Community
There are dozens of reason why getting involved in your community is important but we’ll sum it up to this: it’s good for you and it’s really good for those around you. And since most people agree but have no idea where to start, here’s a jump start and 7 great ideas on how to get involved (and make a difference!) in your community.
How to Volunteer Your Time and Make a Difference
Whether you’re looking for a volunteer job where you can show up anytime when you have a free moment or a more formal arrangement that requires a little more from you, there are plenty of ways to get involved. And finding a unique way to volunteer your time can give you a sense of accomplishment. Here are a few ways you can spend your time volunteering and giving back to your community.
How to Fit Volunteering into Your Packed Schedule
Volunteering is a great way to give back, but can be difficult to do if you’re focused on your own stuff. Here are a few ways you can volunteer without disrupting your current lifestyle.
Volunteer With the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church is not only a religious organization, it is also one of the largest charity and relief bodies in the world. Volunteer with the Catholic Church and work for social justice, economic development, health education, disaster relief and more.
Why “Instant Family” might be one of the year’s most important movies
The new Mark Wahlberg film shows that being a foster parent isn’t always pretty, but it’s still worth it.
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