Hey there,
Children have a special bond with their mother … whether it’s a biological mother, an adopted mother, a grandmother, or a mother figure.
Mothers have our best interest at heart. They love us unconditionally and go to great lengths to support us any way they can.
And we rely on these special women. Maybe a little too much.
Cooking, cleaning, laundry service, taxi driver, hair stylist, biggest sports fan, tutor … the things our Mothers selflessly do are endless.
Fortunately, God gives us another Mother who loves us unconditionally and is available to protect and help us … Mary.
We only have to ask.
Next week we enter the month of August … the month in the Catholic church that’s dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So this week’s issue of Genuflect focuses on why the Blessed Virgin Mary is so important to our Catholic faith, prayers she has shared with us, how she can intervene with God on our behalf, and times when she has appeared to people with messages.
And remember Mary’s always there ready to help us … her children.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Our Devotion to Mary
Non-Catholics often accuse us of worshiping Mary. Because they don’t understand the church’s teaching on the Blessed Virgin. Here’s what they don’t know … in case you need a refresher.
Understanding The Catholic Devotion to Mary | Catholic Online
7 Reasons For Our Devotion
Mary is a big part of our Catholic faith. And while there are many reasons for our devotion, here are 7 important ones.
7 Reasons Catholics Are Devoted to Mary | Cluster Parishes
God Sends His Mother
In the fourth station of the Cross, Jesus Meets His Mother when he’s carrying the cross on His way to Calvary. And she’s there at the foot of the cross later. God no doubt sent her there to bring peace and strength to Jesus. And He sends her to us as well. Here’s how.
Mary’s Shadow on The Way of The Cross | Aleteia
Why The Devil Hates Mary
The devil hates the Blessed Virgin Mary so much that he does everything he can to discredit her … and us. Here’s why … and why we should love her so dearly.
Why the Devil Hates the Blessed Virgin So Much (And Why You Should Love Her) | Catholic Gentleman
Prayers to Mary
At times we pray to a Saint to intercede on our behalf. Mary is one of the most powerful intercessors because of her relationship with the Lord. Here is a collection of several prayers to Mary.
Prayers to Virgin Mary | Beginning Catholic
The Rosary
Perhaps the most well known prayer to Mary, aside from the Hail Mary, is the Holy Rosary. Devotion to the Holy Mother would not be complete without a look at this devotion that she asks us to pray … and how it defeats evil.
How The Rosary Defeats Evil | Genuflect
Mary’s Miraculous Medal
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Miraculous Medal or seen its beautiful design. But did you know that the Blessed Virgin herself specified its design? Here’s how it came to be, the symbolism included in it, and how it’s a reminder that Mary is here for us.
A Medal That Changed The World | Miraculous Medal
Marian Apparitions
There are stories of Marian apparitions throughout history and all around the world. You’ve no doubt heard some of them … but probably not all of them. Here are 40 of those beautiful, inspiring stories.
This is The Most Complete List of Marian Apparitions | Cora Evans
Mary Will Find You
Mary is our mother and even if we don’t know her, she will find creative ways to enter our lives. Here are two examples from El Salvador.
Mary Will Find Her Way Into Your Life With Creativity And Persistence | Aleteia
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Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Christmas wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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