Hey there,
What do you think of when you hear the names Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael?
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
The latest boy band?
Last year’s most popular baby boy names?
Actually, these are the three Archangels.
You’ll recall Saint Gabriel is the messenger who tells Mary that she’s going to give birth to God’s son.
And Saint Michael is well known as the warrior who battles satan.
But if you’ve never really learned much more about these super angels (and if you think there are more named Archangels), this one’s for you.
This weeks’ issue of Genuflect helps you get to know the Archangels better: who they are … and who they are not, what you should know about them, how to celebrate them, when and how to pray to them, and a couple of incredible apparitions of St. Michael.
This is the perfect time to get to know the Archangels better because the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels is coming up on September 29th.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Who And What Are The Archangels?
Angels were created by God at the dawn of time and like most things, there’s a hierarchy of angels. Ranked just above angels are Archangels. There are only three of them as described in Holy Scripture. Here’s an overview of the three Archangels and what their missions are.
Archangels: Who Are They And What is Their Function? | Holy Art
Archangels 101
Beth Williby provides a concise overview of the three Archangels, where they are referenced in the Bible, their job assignments, and what they are the patrons of.
The Archangels For Beginners | Blessed is She
Archangels FAQs
Here you’ll find a little more information about Archangels, broken down into 7 questions and answers. Of particular interest are: why they are called Saints if they were never human and other names for the feast day.
Celebrating The Archangels: 7 Things to Know And Share | National Catholic Register
Do Archangels Exist Today?
Philip Kosloski takes a look at five more facts about Archangels, chief among them is what they look like and whether they exist today.
5 Things You Need to Know About Archangels | Aleteia
Celebrating The Archangels
Back in the day, the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels was a Holy Day of Obligation. Since it is no longer, it’s a day that we may overlook. Just what is the Feast day all about? And how can we celebrate it? Here’s what you need to know to make the most of it.
Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, And Raphael, Archangels | Catholic Culture
When to Pray to Archangels
The Archangels may be known as messengers of God. But they also are available to take our needs before God on our behalf. Here’s how and when to pray to these powerful servants of the Lord.
Crash Course on the Archangels | My Catholic Kids
A Prayer to Archangels
God charged the three Archangels with helping us get to heaven. Here’s a prayer you can pray to Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael for their help in your hour of need.
Pray This Prayer to The Archangels For Protection And Healing | Aleteia
Do Not Venerate These Angels
Aside from Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, you may have heard the names of other Archangels. But according to the Catholic Church, the only Archangels who should be called by name are the three mentioned in the Holy Bible. Here’s why.
Reminder: Catholics Should NOT Venerate These Angels | ChurchPOP
Be Careful What You Pray For
The Archangels are powerful intercessors for us. But as Father Jeffrey Kirby explains, when it comes to St. Michael the Archangel, be careful what you pray for. See what he means.
With the Archangel Prayer, be Careful What You Wish For | Crux
St. Michael Apparitions
Read these two fascinating accounts of apparitions of St. Michael, both ending plagues … a millennium apart!
Miraculous Apparitions of St. Michael The Archangel | Michael Journal
genuflect: prayer
Pray The Novena to The Archangels
Begin praying the Novena to the Archangels by September 20th to be done in time for the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels on September 29th. Or you can pray it anytime. You’ll find the Novena to the Archangels here.
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Digital Inspiration
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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