Hey there,
We all make sacrifices. Especially parents.
But in any relationship there comes a time when we put the other person ahead of ourselves.
What do you want to have for dinner?
What movie do you want to go see?
Where do you want to go on vacation?
Fortunately, our sacrifices rarely involve life or death.
This was not the case for the Saints who are martyrs. They refused to denounce their faith and Jesus Christ, even when faced with persecution and even death.
We know the early martyrs like Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Thomas More, and Saint Polycarp, whose feast day we honor today. But unfortunately, Catholics continue to be persecuted for their faith even today and more martyrs are made all the time.
We are called to honor and pray for martyrs. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states:
When the Church keeps the memorials of martyrs and other saints during the annual cycle, she proclaims the Paschal mystery in those “who have suffered and have been glorified with Christ. She proposes them to the faithful as examples who draw all men to the Father through Christ, and through their merits she begs for God’s favors.” (CCC 1173)
On this memorial of Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr, Genuflect digs into martyrdom. We look at the three types of martyrs, the origins of martyrdom, why we should study martyrs, what we can learn from them, what we should do for martyrs, who the martyrs are, and the Catholic martyrs of the Holocaust.
As we prepare for the beginning of Lent next week, when we’ll be offering up our Lenten sacrifices, let’s study, honor, and pray for the martyrs who gave the ultimate sacrifice for Jesus Christ.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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3 Types of Martyrdom
The meaning of the word martyr has evolved over time, originally being applied to all of the apostles who witnessed Jesus Christ’s life firsthand. It eventually became more closely associated with those who gave their life for Jesus. But did you know there are two other types of martyrdom that don’t involve death?
3 Types of Martyrdom That Lead to a Heavenly Reward | Aleteia
The Origins of Martyrs
Saint Stephen was the first martyr and all of Jesus’ apostles were martyred, except for Saint John. Here’s more on the early beginnings of martyrdom.
Two Kinds of Saints? | Simply Catholic
Why we Should Study Martyrs
We are blessed to have the lives of Saints to inspire us on our own path to a heavenly reward. But Saint Alphonsus Liguori gives us three reasons that we should study the martyrs of the Catholic Church and meditate on their devout virtues.
Why We Should Devoutly Meditate on The Martyrs | OnePeterFive
Learning From Martyrs
The truth is that martyrs are not just from the early years of the Catholic Church. There are people who pay the ultimate sacrifice for their religion in modern times. We may never be faced with death over our beliefs, but there’s much we can learn from them about sacrifice.
Paying The Ultimate Price: What Martyrs Can Teach us About Sacrifices For Faith | Busted Halo
Honoring Martyrs
Countless lives have been sacrificed for their religious beliefs. And unfortunately, more are being persecuted now. Karen Shultz explains what we should do for them.
Honoring The Martyrs | Blessed is She
Saint Polycarp of Smyrna
As a disciple of Saint John the Evangelist, Polycarp learned about the teachings of Jesus Christ from someone who personally knew him! Around 156, at the age of 86, he was set to be burned alive … but miraculously the fire didn’t burn him. So they took matters into their own hands.
St. Polycarp | Catholic Online
List of Martyrs
If you’d like to learn more about specific martyrs, here’s your chance. This article provides a list of martyrs with links to learn more about each one.
Roman Catholic Martyrs | Roman Catholic Saints
US Martyrs
Did you know that there have been many martyrs who lost their lives on US soil? (Though many were before our country was formed.) Here is a list of some of them, broken down by state.
The United States is a Land of Many Martyrs | Catholic Exchange
Holocaust Catholic Martyrs
We’re all quite aware of the sufferings and senseless murder of the Jews during the Holocaust. But did you know the Catholic Church and Catholic men, women, and children also suffered greatly during the 12 year reign of Adolph HItler? Here’s an overview of Hitler’s attempt to eradicate the Catholic Church.
Catholic Martyrs of The Holocaust | Catholic Answers
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