Hey there,
Jesus was standing over the woman caught in adultery and challenged the crowd that “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Suddenly, a rock hits the back of his head. Jesus turns and exclaims, “Mom!”
It’s nine months until Mary becomes Jesus’ mother on Christmas day … so today we celebrate when the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be Jesus’ mother — a.k.a. The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
She said yes that night despite risking her betrothal to Joseph … and her life for that matter … and she became Jesus’ mother. She continued her fiat every day of her life … caring for Jesus, teaching Him, and preparing Him for His mission.
I can only imagine the pressure she must have felt raising God’s son!
This feast is not a Holy Day of Obligation … and even if it were, most of us wouldn’t be able to go to Mass due to the Coronavirus lockdown.
But this is still a very important event that we should understand and celebrate. Mary serves as a model for us to live in holiness through our own fiat opportunities that God presents us with every day.
This week’s issue of Genuflect helps us understand not only what happened at the Annunciation, but it’s relevance in our life, how it ties together three of our key Catholic beliefs, Mary’s other “yes,” how to celebrate the Annunciation … even during a lockdown, and more.
Speaking of the Coronavirus Pandemic, I continue to pray for you all!
Stay Safe and Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Annunciation Overview
Here’s a quick overview of the Annunciation that covers the basics: when, what, how … oh and an interesting fact about The Beatles’ song “Let it Be.”
The Annunciation of The Lord | Learn Religions
Annunciation Facts
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. It’s an important event because it’s when the Lord became incarnate. Here are 8 things you need to know about it.
8 Things to Know And Share About The Annunciation | National Catholic Register
The Annunciation’s 3 Beliefs
You know what happened at the Annunciation. But did you realize that the event represents the culmination of three of our Catholic beliefs? Here’s why it’s such a big deal.
3 Things Catholics Celebrate on The Feast of The Annunciation | CatholicTV
Mary’s Other Yes
Mary did say yes to the Lord at the Annunciation. But Guy McClung explains how there was a second yes from Mary … a yes that has had profound impact on each of us.
Mary Said Yes, Twice | Catholic Stand
The Catechism on Incarnation
Here’s the teaching on the Incarnation of the Son of God that covers why the Word became Flesh, what Incarnation is, and the meaning of True God and True Man.
Catechism of The Catholic Church | The Holy See
Photo Tour of Mary’s Home
The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, Israel is the largest Christian Church in the Middle East. Built on the site of Mary’s home in 1969, the lower level of the structure preserves the remains of her home — where the Angel Gabriel visited her — and the upper level is the parish Catholic community. Take a look at the incredible photos of this important place.
Where the Angel Gabriel Appeared to Mary: Inside the Magnificent Basilica of The Annunciation | ChurchPOP
How to Celebrate The Annunciation
You may be on lockdown due to the Coronavirus Pandemic and the church doors may be locked. But you can still celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Here are 12 simple ways … most without even leaving your house.
Twelve (Simple!) Ways to Celebrate The Annunciation | Mary Haseltine
The Key to Discernment
If you are frustrated with instability in your life, the story of one woman’s counselings with Dr. Tom Neal may strike close to home. Dr. Neal explains how the key for her was to better understand discernment and predestination. It may just be the key you need too.
How to Say Yes to God, And no to Others | Word on Fire
Holiness is Our Yes
We all approach holiness differently and some are better at it than others. We tend to live our life in an effort to not offend the Lord. But holiness is a gift … a striving to please the Lord. It’s our “yes.”
Living in Holiness is Saying ‘Yes’ to God | Catholic Philly
Plant an Annunciation Garden
Advanced Master Gardener and liturgical garden consultant Margaret Rose Realy is here to help you plant an Annunciation garden. She shares the flowers, fruits, and herbs that represent the Annunciation through purity of heart, humility, fruitfulness, and The Mother of God.
Flowers Symbolic of Mother Mary And Annunciation | Catholic Mom
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