Hey there,
Last May Pope Francis approved 7 men and women for canonization:
- Blessed Charles de Foucauld
- Blessed Pillai
- Blessed César de Bus
- Blessed Luigi Maria Palazzolo
- Blessed Giustino Maria Russolillo
- Blessed Anna Maria Rubatto
- Blessed Maria Domenica Mantovani
Unfortunately the date of their canonization is not yet set due to the Coronavirus pandemic. We’ll have to wait a little longer to have these 7 new examples of how to achieve eternal life.
The exact number of declared Saints is not clear. It’s in the neighborhood of 1,000.
The fact is, there are a lot more saints in heaven who a pope has not recognized. After all, it’s not the pope who decides who gets into heaven. That alone is up to God.
When the pope declares someone a Saint, it just means they’ve gone through the rigors of the sainthood process and the evidence has shown that person is in fact in heaven working on our behalf. The pope declares beyond a doubt that person is a Saint.
No doubt every day there are people entering the kingdom of heaven … without our knowledge or confirmation. Like me, you probably have relatives or friends who you believe are in heaven … or should be there soon. But we don’t really know. We continue to pray for the repose of their souls.
Most of them will never be declared a saint. But that doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying eternal life.
How we live our life on Earth will determine if we are rewarded with eternal life in heaven. We may never be declared a saint, but we can all seek to enter the kingdom of God.
This week’s issue of Genuflect focuses on the process to become a saint, how to train to be a saint, how to raise saints, how to pray to saints, and how to live a life destined for heaven.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Steps to Become a Saint
It’s not easy to be canonized a Saint … and rightfully so. It involves people who knew the person, the local bishop, others in the diocese, and the Vatican. Here’s a brief overview of the 5-step process of the journey. And a few other facts you may not know.
How do You Become a Saint (Capital S) Anyway? | Aleteia
Training For Sainthood
If you’re the type of person who likes to have a training regimen, this article’s for you. Gina Fensterer suggests a training program for sainthood.
Training For Sainthood | Blessed is She
Sainthood is in The Details
The idea of living a saint-worthy life may seem a little overwhelming. But Pope Francis says the key lies in the small details. Here’s what you can do in your life to ensure your path to heaven.
An Everyman’s Guide to Becoming a Saint | Aleteia
Mom Saints
Anne Kennedy looks at Mom Saints and lays out how us moms can become a saint. Unfortunately, it’s not very practical for most of us. But all’s not lost. She did find a couple of Mom Saints we can model.
Saint Mom: Why Are There so Few Saints Who Were Mothers? | Busted Halo
Raising a Saint
Parents, are you trying to raise a saint? Dan Millette says he knows how.
The Indisputably Best Way to Raise a Saint | One Peter Five
Emulating Saints
We study the lives of Saints to emulate. But how do we do that when so many of them lived extraordinary lives? Leah Murphy provides great insight for all of us on the importance of seeking and acknowledging His presence in every moment of our lives.
When The Saints Seem Too Cool For You | LifeTeen
Saints to be
Pope Francis has approved 7 men and women for canonization. The date is not set yet due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but here’s a look at who they are.
Pope Approves Canonizations, But Doesn’t Set Date Because of Pandemic | Crux
Praying to Saints
Saints are ready to provide their help for the asking. But how do you do it? Here’s a suggested guide.
Learning How to Pray to the Saints—In Five Easy Steps | Catholic Exchange
Fanatical Catholic Life
“Society desperately needs passionate Catholics – those who put Church teachings above secular ideologies, who strive daily to grow in the knowledge of God, who base their decisions around the Church, and who maintain joy through life’s trials. How can we truly experience the depth of the Church and lead others to do the same?” Here are some ideas.
Living a Fanatical Catholic Life | Catholic Stand
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