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There are plenty of phenomena in the Catholic Church, but perhaps one of the most extraordinary is the Stigmata.
This is when a person experiences the five wounds of Jesus’ Passion, typically involving the intense pain and bleeding in the hands, feet, side, and sometimes the head. Though I’ve learned there is also Invisible Stigmata that doesn’t involve bleeding.
Several Saints experienced Stigmata, with St. Francis of Assisi being the first known recorded one. We will celebrate St. Francis’ Feast day on Monday so this is a good time to look deeper into this incredible form of human suffering.
Genuflect investigates Stigmata, what it is and the different types, the criteria the Church uses to investigate cases of Stigmata, what a Victim Soul is, St. Francis’ Stigmata experience, other Saints who were Stigmatists, and some modern-day Stigmatists.
Whether you choose to believe in Stigmata is a personal decision. But it’s certainly a fascinating phenomenon to learn more about.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Stigmata Explained
Stigmata is the appearance of the five wounds of Jesus’ crucifixion on a person’s body. Here’s an overview of what these wounds are like and three Saints who experienced the stigmata.
What is The Stigmata? | Catholic Education
12 Criteria For Stigmata
Though the Catholic Church does not require us to believe in stigmata, it does investigate incidents of stigmata. And at times the Church has recognized stigmata with some individuals as a grace of God. Here are the 12 criteria the Church uses to evaluate the validity of stigmata.
What Are The Stigmata And How do We Know if They Are Authentic? | Aleteia
6 Stigmata Facts
Even if you’re familiar with stigmata, here are 6 facts that you may not know about this phenomenon.
Secrets of The Mysterious Stigmata: 6 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know | ChurchPOP
Problem With Stigmata
Though some Saints experienced stigmata, they were not Canonized because of the stigmata. In fact, Catholics are not required to believe in stigmata. And some find the phenomenon too troubling. Here’s a skeptical look at the Stigmata.
Problem With The Stigmata | Franciscan Media
A Victim Soul
Stigmatists are a type of “Victim Soul,” experiencing redemptive human suffering. Here’s what it means and why we’re not obliged to believe in it.
What is a Victim Soul? | Simply Catholic
St. Francis’ Stigmata
St. Francis went to Laverna to pray and fast for 40 days. On September 17, 1224 something extraordinary happened. He received the wounds of Christ on his hands, feet, and side. Learn more about this first recorded Stigmata and see the place where it happened.
St. Francis Received The Stigmata at This Pilgrimage Destination | Aleteia
Saints With Stigmata
St. Francis may be the first recorded Stigmatist, but some believe St. Paul the Apostle was referring to stigmata when he said, “I bear on my body the marks of Jesus” (Galatians 6:17). Here’s a look at 7 other Saints who were known stigmatists.
These Saints Bore The Stigmata, The Marks of Jesus | National Catholic Register
20th Century Stigmatists
Stigmata dates back to the 13th century, but the phenomenon is not just found in ancient times. Here are 10 people who claim to have the stigmata, including some from the 20th century!
10 People Who Claim to Have The Stigmata | Daily Rosary Family
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