Hey there,
Last month I took a 3 hour plane ride. To pass the time, I watched a movie called “Cabrini.”
It’s the life story of Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first U.S. citizen to be canonized a Saint.
Mother Cabrini, as she was called, was sent to New York City in 1889 by the Pope to help the Italian immigrants who were experiencing disease, crime, prejudice, and poverty. The future Saint didn’t listen to everyone who told her she couldn’t do whatever it is she wanted to do … like run an orphanage or open a school and a hospital. Instead, she listened to God. She trusted God. And together, they helped so many.
Today is the memorial of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin. So, Genuflect is taking a closer look at the life of this Saint and how she followed the Lord’s lead to do His work.
If you haven’t seen Cabrini yet, I encourage you to do so. Not only is the movie very entertaining, but Mother Cabrini is incredibly inspiring. Enjoy this movie trailer.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Read an overview of St. Frances’s inspiring life beginning with her birth in Italy in 1850 to becoming Mother Cabrini, being sent to the US by the Pope, and her canonization in 1946.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini | Catholic Online
7 Facts
Here is a quick look at 7 facts about Saint Frances Cabrini.
7 Facts About Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, First Canonized Saint From The United States | ChurchPOP
First Miracle
Three years after Mother Cabrini’s death, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart prayed to their foundress for a miracle to intercede on behalf of a newborn who was blinded and disfigured due to an error just hours after his birth. This is an incredible miracle!
Mother Cabrini’s First Miracle | Catholic Exchange
Cabrini’s Secret to Sainthood
Mother Cabrini accomplished great things during her life. And like many Saints before her, she stands as an example to inspire us to sainthood. Here’s the one secret that Mother Cabrini used to help so many and to attain heaven.
Mother Cabrini’s Secret to Sainthood | Catholic Exchange
Cabrini The Movie
“Read on to learn more about the first American saint; her rags-to-riches story as she rose to entrepreneurship; her mission to lift the poor and orphaned; her fight against misogyny, bigotry, and classicism; and why this stunning biopic will be one of the most inspiring watches of the decade.”
Everything to Know About Cabrini The Movie | Angel Studios
Monument in NYC
In 2020 New York unveiled a monument honoring Mother Cabrini. But the statue was not without controversy. Read about how Bishop DiMarzio took it upon himself to make sure this popular woman Saint was recognized.
New York City Unveils Mother Cabrini Monument | Aleteia
NYC Shrine
Visit the St. Frances Cabrini Shrine in New York City on the Hudson River, where Mother Cabrini’s remains are enshrined under the altar. Here’s how her remains came to the shrine.
About The Shrine | Cabrini Shrine NYC
National Shrine
In 1899 Mother Cabrini moved to Chicago where she founded a school, a hospital, and a farm to feed the hospital patients. She died in Chicago in 1917. Visit the National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini located in Chicago.
History of The Shrine | The National Shrine of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Golden Shrine
Saint Frances Cabrini traveled all over the US opening up schools, hospitals, and orphanages. If you’re in or traveling to Colorado, visit the Mother Cabrini Shrine.
The Shrine | Mother Cabrini Shrine
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