Hey there,
On Monday, May 31st, we will celebrate the Feast of the Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary. You know how this story goes. Upon hearing of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Mary travels to visit her cousin. When hearing Mary’s greeting, John leaps with joy in Elizabeth’s womb.
It’s a seemingly simple event … one might even say it’s fairly routine. But a closer examination reveals there are actually many lessons awaiting us in this story. And there’s nothing routine about it!
The movie trailer for The Visitation would no doubt focus on the haste of travel, sacrifices made in service to another, sheer joy shared between women … and babies, all thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit.
This issue of Genuflect uncovers the lessons of The Visitation. We look at the specifics of the event, the risks Mary took to travel, why Mary made the trip, the meanings behind the Visitation, many lessons we can learn from it, and more.
The 31st is also Memorial Day … when we celebrate those who sacrifice for us in service for our country. God Bless all our service men and women!
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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All About The Visitation
If you’re looking for one resource to tell you all about Mary’s visitation with Elizabeth, this is it. Enjoy!
About The Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary | Learn Religions
A Dangerous Trip
Traveling to another town is easy … for us. But back in Mary’s time, traveling 100 miles is a lot harder than it sounds. Here’s what that trek was probably like and what she risked.
Mary Traveled a Highly Dangerous Path to Visit Elizabeth | Aleteia
Why Visit Elizabeth?
You may ask yourself why a pregnant Mary would make the long, dangerous trip to see Elizabeth. Ginny Moyer makes a pretty convincing case.
Why Does Mary Visit Her Cousin Elizabeth? | Busted Halo
10 Visitation Meanings
Now let’s dive a little deeper and look at the meaning behind this Marian Feast Day. Here are 10 spiritual lessons awaiting us in the Visitation.
10 Beautiful Things About The Visitation | Catholic Exchange
7 Visitation Lessons
The Visitation seems like a simple event. But as we look deeper into it, there’s actually a lot going on. A lot we can learn from it and apply to our own lives. Here are 7 lessons.
Praying With Mary Through May: Celebrating The Visitation | Blessed is She
The Pope’s 3 Key Lessons
According to Pope Francis, there are three key takeaways from the Visitation. And these three are the essence of our Christianity.
What Pope Francis Wants us to Learn From Mary’s Visitation | Catholic News Agency
Celebrating With Song
Celebrate the Feast of the Visitation through the beauty of music. Here are 8 songs, both old and new hymns, to help your soul magnify the Lord.
Your “Visitation” Playlist: 8 Songs to Help Your Soul Magnify The Lord | ChurchPOP
The Visitation in Art
Further expand your senses complements of Piero di Cosimo. Here’s a look at this eccentric Italian artists’ rendition of “The Visitation” as described by Joynel Fernandes.
A Closer Look at “The Visitation” by Piero di Cosimo | Aleteia
A Visitation Moment
Mary and Elizabeth shared a special bond during Mary’s visit, no doubt providing comfort to each other. Karen Schultz tells us how we each can have our own visitation moments in our lives if we’re open to them.
A Visitation Moment | Blessed Is She
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Digital Inspiration
Click below to download this week’s free Holy Spirit inspirational wallpaper for your desktop and your phone.
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