Hey there,
Lent is a week away, so it seems only fitting that we look at a Marian feast day that is coming up before on February 11th … Our Lady of Lourdes.
Why, you may ask, would a Marian feast day be fitting for Lent?
After all, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It’s about experiencing the Son of God’s suffering, dying, and resurrection … for our salvation.
Mary first appeared to young Bernadette in the grotto in Lourdes, France on the Thursday before Ash Wednesday. And as you’ll see below, the main messages Mary delivered had to do with prayer, carrying your cross, penance, and salvation.
Sound familiar?
Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous a total of 18 times. As word spread about the apparitions, people went to Lourdes, hoping to also see Mary. And to bathe in the healing waters of the miraculous spring.
People are still going to Lourdes today, making it one of the most popular Marian shrines. And as we celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes on Sunday … and prepare for the beginning of Lent next Wednesday … it’s the perfect time to reflect on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s messages in Lourdes.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Our Lady of Lourdes
Here’s the full story of how our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in the grotto near Lourdes, France in 1858. And all 18 of the apparitions from February 11th to July 16th.
Our Lady of Lourdes | Catholic News Agency
5 Facts About Lourdes
In 1858 Our Lady appeared in a grotto in Lourdes, France to Bernadette Soubirous 18 times. Sometimes she spoke to the child. Sometimes she made requests of her. Here are 5 fascinating facts about the Marian apparitions.
5 Fascinating Facts About The Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes | The Catholic Telegraph
The Message of Lourdes
Bishop Donald Montrose shares the four key messages from Our Lady of Lourdes. And key teachings about Mary from Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
Library : The Message of The Virgin of Lourdes | Catholic Culture
Lessons of Lourdes
The faithful travel to Lourdes from all over the world to seek healing. And yet Saint Bernadette suffered with ill health her whole life. So just what was the lesson Bernadette learned in the grotto? Megan Dahle lays it out for us.
The Lessons of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes | Catholic Stand
3 Miracles of Lourdes
In 1905 the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed to determine whether reported cures were “near-instantaneous, efficacious throughout the remainder of life, and, in all other ways, scientifically inexplicable.” 70 cases have been determined to be miraculous. Here are 3 noteworthy ones: the first one recognized, the youngest recipient, and the oldest recipient … and most notable.
3 Miracles of Lourdes (Approved and Scientifically Validated) | Magis Center
One Man’s Lourdes Miracles
Michele Ryan shares his experiences when he traveled to Lourdes in May 2023. He wasn’t there seeking cures for major ailments for himself, he did take a lot of prayer requests to Lourdes. And though he hasn’t reported a case to be designated a miracle, he relates several miracles he believes results from his trip.
My Miracles at Lourdes | The Catholic Sun
How Lourdes Miracles Are Determined
There are only 70 confirmed miracle cures from Lourdes. That doesn’t mean theMy miracles at Lourdes | The Catholic Sunre haven’t been more miracles experienced by Lourdes visitors. There is a thorough, multi-step process involved in reporting and judging reported cases. Here are the four criteria that must be met and the process followed by medical and church committees.
How Lourdes Cures Are Recognized as Miraculous | EWTN
A Guide to Visiting Lourdes
Millions of pilgrims visit Our Lady of Lourdes in France each year. If you’d like to learn more about the attraction of Lourdes, look no further than this guide from ChurchPOP.
Your Complete Guide to Making a Lourdes Pilgrimage, Where Our Lady Appeared to Saint Bernadette | ChurchPOP
Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernadette was canonized in 1933, not because of her Marian apparitions in Lourdes, but because of the faithful life she lived dedicated in service to God. Learn more about this Saint who Mary chose to appear to.
St. Bernadette Soubirous: A Patroness For The Sick | Simply Catholic
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