Hey there,
Would you be offended if someone called you a GOAT?
You shouldn’t be! The term is an acronym for “Greatest of All Time.” So it’s a good thing.
All sports have a GOAT.
Michael Jordan. Babe Ruth. Wayne Gretzky. Muhammed Ali.
You may not agree with that list. There’s much debate as to which athlete is the GOAT for each sport … and what makes someone a GOAT.
We have GOATS in the Catholic Church too. They are Saints, but we call them “the Great.”
On September 3rd we’ll celebrate the Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. So, I thought it would be fun to take a look at who all “the Great” Popes are.
In the history of the Catholic Church, there have been 266 Popes from Saint Peter to Pope Francis. 80 of those Popes are Saints (so far). But only 2 (or 3 or 4 depending on who you ask) are referred to as “the Great.”
That’s a very select group of Popes. They date back to the 5th, 6th, and 9th centuries, so you may not know a lot about them. Genuflect provides this opportunity to learn more about our GOAT Popes … and how we are made for greatness.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Becoming “The Great”
The Catholic Church does not officially bestow the title of “the Great” to Saints. So just how does one become known as “the Great?” Philip Kosloski explains how it happens and what it means.
How Does a Saint Become Known as “The Great?” | Aleteia
Making a Pope “The Great”
What makes a Pope Great? To answer this question, let’s look at the three Popes historians have given the title to and compare their similarities.
What Makes a Pope “Great?” | Catholic Answers
Saint Leo The Great
Catholic Online provides a thorough overview of the Papacy of Saint Leo I. It’s clear why this Saint earned the title of “the Great.”
St. Leo The Great | Catholic Online
More Greatness of Saint Leo
I’ve included this second article about Saint Leo because it provides more details about how he preserved the power of the Papacy, his decisive teaching on Christ’s divinity, and his defense of Rome against Attila the Hun.
St. Leo The Great, Pope And Doctor! | My Catholic Life
Saint Gregory The Great
The other Pope to be designated as “the Great” is Pope Gregory. His Papacy was also during a time of upheaval and conflict. He’s best known for solidifying the Roman liturgy, securing Rome, and spreading Catholicism in western Europe.
Saint Gregory the Great | Catholic News Agency
Saint Nicholas The Great
Pope Nicholas is not always included as one of “the Great” Popes. Matthew Rose presents several examples of this Pope’s greatness, including his defense of marriage, even if it meant going against royalty.
The Legacy of Pope St. Nicholas The Great | Catholic Exchange
Saint John Paul II The Great?
Even before his canonization, John Paul II was being referred to as “the Great.” But is he deserving of the title? Is his Papacy comparable to his predecessors now referred to as “the Great?” As far as Pope Benedict XVI was concerned, we’re all free to refer to Saint John Paul the Great! Here’s why.
Can we Refer to Pope St. John Paul II ‘The Great?’ | National Catholic Register
We’re Made For Greatness
Mary Becnel explains how not only were we made for greatness. But we have been afforded all the same opportunities that the Saints had for becoming a saint!
Just Like The Saints, God Has Made us For Greatness | Detroit Catholic
Seeking True Greatness
The Lord put a desire for greatness inside us. But the way to achieve true greatness is not through power and prestige. According to Jesus, it’s quite the opposite. Here’s the key to achieving true greatness.
True Greatness | Catholic Daily Reflections
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Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash