Hey there,
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the United States when we pause to reflect on all the things we’re thankful for.
Merrium-Webster defines thankful as “conscious of benefit received.”
It’s great to recognize the blessings in our life. But is being thankful enough?
I propose that we should take it a step further. To go beyond thankful to grateful.
Gratitude encompasses the recognition of thankfulness, but adds a show of appreciation.
As we prepare to give thanks tomorrow and count our many blessings, Genuflect compares the difference between being thankful and grateful, how to nurture a grateful heart, some inspiring quotes on gratitude, ideas for what to be grateful for, how to encourage kids to be grateful, and how to show your gratitude to your dearly departed loved ones.
Enjoy Thanksgiving and all the blessings that come with it. I’m truly grateful you’re here and will pray for your continued blessings.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
P.S. Don’t miss the St. Andrew’s Christmas Novena below, which begins on Saturday.
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Gratefulness Lasts
What is the difference between being grateful and thankful? There are a lot of similarities and some overlap. But looking at the definition of each word, Susan Rhoads says this one element separates gratefulness and makes it more powerful and more lasting.
The Difference Between Gratitude And Thankfulness | Psychiatric Medical Care
Thank You vs. Gratitude
We say and write the word thank you often, at times not even thinking about it. Nick Genovese makes the argument that this is because thankfulness by definition is being aware of another’s actions. Gratefulness, on the other hand, goes much deeper.
The Difference Between ‘Thank You’ And Gratitude | America Magazine
Gratitude Defined
According to Fr. John Hardon’s Modern Catholic Dictionary, Gratitude includes these 3 key elements.
Dictionary : Gratitude | Catholic Culture
Nurturing Gratitude
It takes some work to nurture a grateful heart. Here are some suggestions on how to be more grateful throughout your day, from when you wake up to when you go to sleep.
Catholic Gratitude : How to Nurture Gratitude | ChastitySF
Quotes Inspiring Gratitude
Our world is focused on material goods. And it’s easy to be thankful and grateful for all the stuff we have. But to grow in our Catholic faith, we should also be grateful for intangibles like relationships, joy, health, and even our struggles. Here are 10 quotes to inspire a more grateful heart.
10 Catholic Quotes on The True Meaning of Gratitude | Epic Pew
Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude
Whether it’s Thanksgiving Day or any day throughout the year, we are called to have a grateful heart for the abundant gifts received from our Lord. Father Ed Broom offers 10 specific areas that we should reflect upon and give thanks to the Lord.
Attitude of Gratitude: 10 Reasons to be Thankful | Catholic Exchange
Share Your Gratitude
There’s something about sharing your gratitude with others that makes you feel vulnerable and awkward. But as Katie Waite explains, studies have shown the many benefits of giving and receiving gratitude. She shares a beautiful example of how one of her former students reminded her of the importance of sharing gratitude.
Because Words Matter: The Importance of Sharing Your Gratitude With Others | Busted Halo
Prayers of Gratitude
Here are four prayers to help center your Thanksgiving around the spirit of gratitude. You may like to use one of these before your Thanksgiving meal.
4 Catholic Prayers of Gratitude to Kick Off Your Thanksgiving Day The Right Way | ChurchPOP
Encourage Gratitude in Kids
Instilling gratitude in kids takes more than one day a year. It requires effort throughout the year. Here are 6 ideas you can incorporate into your everyday lives to encourage gratitude in your kids.
6 Ways to Encourage Gratitude in Modern-day Kids | Aleteia
Gratitude For Our Beloved Dead
According to Pope Benedict XVI in his encyclical Spe salvi, we can still express our gratitude for our dearly departed loved ones through our prayers. And this helps with their purification. Here’s how.
A Catholic Way to Express Gratitude For Our Beloved Dead | Aleteia
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Pray the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena begins Saturday, November 30th and continues daily until Christmas Eve. You’ll find all the instructions for praying The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena here.
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Digital Inspiration

Click below to download this week’s free Holy Spirit inspirational wallpaper for your desktop and your phone.
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