Hey there,
Now that Advent has begun and we’re preparing for the coming of our Lord, we pause and celebrate another important figure in Catholicism … His Blessed Mother.
Though it can be confusing to celebrate the origins of Mary now, it’s fitting since without Mary, there would be no Jesus.
Mary was the very beginning of God’s master plan. Her immaculate conception, which we celebrate on Dec. 8th, meant that from the very moment she was conceived in her mother’s womb, she was without original sin.
Mary was filled with God’s grace. And as a teenager, she said yes to God.
She continued to say yes throughout her life. And remained sinless.
No matter how difficult the consequences, Mary put her faith in the Lord to do as He said.
Mary is the perfect example for us. Though sin is inherently part of our nature, we can look to her as an example of how we should live our lives.
Mary is our heavenly mother there to help us … to intercede on our behalf with the Lord. And she helps us to grow closer to Him.
We looked at ways to honor Mary last year. In this week’s issue of Genuflect, we dig a little deeper into understanding our universal mother. What her Immaculate Conception is really all about, how to honor the Immaculate Conception, why we consider Mary to be a Queen, why our devotion to her is not too exaggerated, and more.
Take time out during this Advent to give praise to the one who started it all … Immaculate Mary. And remember, December 8th is a Holy day of obligation.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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The Immaculate Conception
The Immaculate Conception was proclaimed to be dogma by Pope Pius IX in 1854. But leading up to that point, it was not without opposition and controversy. Father Richar Gribble goes through its historical development and the supernatural events that ultimately provided validity for the perpetual sinlessness of Mary.
Understanding the Immaculate Conception | Simply Catholic
Immaculate Conception FAQs
Jimmy Akin provides this quick primer on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with 8 things you need to know.
8 Things You Need to Know About the Immaculate Conception | National Catholic Register
Immaculate Conception Confusion
The Immaculate Conception is oftentimes confused with the Virgin Birth of Jesus. It doesn’t help that it’s celebrated during Advent, when we are preparing for the Lord’s birth. And that the Gospel reading on that day is the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary for the Annunciation. Caroline Bologna sets us straight by explaining the correct meaning of the Immaculate Conception.
FYI: ‘Immaculate Conception’ Does Not Mean What You Think it Means | HuffPost
How to Honor The Immaculate Conception
In addition to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception that we celebrate on December 8th every year, the entire month of December is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. It’s a perfect opportunity to draw closer to our Blessed Mother. Here are 8 ways to honor the Immaculate Conception this month.
8 Ways to Honor The Immaculate Conception This December | Aleteia
Queen Mary According to Scriptures
One of the biggest differences between Catholics and Protestants is our adoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. While we don’t elevate Mary to the level of God, we do value her role in our Lord’s life and her ability to intercede on our behalf. And Mary is our Queen. But she wasn’t married to Jesus, so why would she be a Queen? For the answer, we can look no further than Scriptures, along with an understanding of the role of a King’s mother.
Why Scripturally Mary is Our Queen | Catholic Stand
5 Key Marian Apparitions
The Holy See has a lengthy, formal process for validating Marian apparitions as worthy of our belief … though no Catholics are required to venerate Our Lady under these titles. Here’s an interesting overview of how apparitions are approved and 5 that have been officially approved by the Holy See.
A Guide to 5 Key Marian Apparitions (#3 is Hardly Known) | Ascension Press
A World Map of Virgin Mary Apparitions
Apparitions of Mary that have been approved by the Vatican as “believable” date as far back as 1531 in Mexico City and as recently as 1981 in Rwanda. But there are many, many more Marian Apparitions that have been documented around the world. Some have been approved by the local Bishop; many are still under investigation. Take a look at these fascinating maps put together by National Geographic that document the locations of apparitions around the world.
A World Map of Virgin Mary Apparitions | Big Think
December 8th Miracles
December 8th is the day each year we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. And, it’s the day that many miracles and blessings have been attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Edward Benet describes four of them.
Miracles And Blessings of December 8th | Catholic Stand
Prayer to Mary
On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2019, Pope Francis visited the Piazza di Spagna — a statue of Our Lady that commemorates the Immaculate Conception. At the foot of the statue, Pope Francis recited this prayer for all who are discouraged by sin.
Be Freed From Discouragement With This Beautiful Prayer Pope Francis Offered to Mary | Aleteia
Defense of Our Marian Devotion
Some Protestants criticize Catholics for their devotion to Mary. And even some Catholics may feel it’s a bit over the top sometimes. But Joe Heschmeyer explains the two reasons why this exaggeration is acceptable.
In Defense of Exaggerated Marian Devotion | Word on Fire
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Marian Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
Click below to download this week’s free inspirational Marian wallpaper for your desktop and your phone. Or download one of the previous wallpapers
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