Hey there,
I’m an avid list maker.
To do lists. Shopping lists. A pros and cons list when I’m trying to make a decision. A packing list when I travel.
You name it and I’ve probably created a list for it.
Ahead of Lent, I create a list for what I’m giving up, special prayers, etc.
As I prepare for Christmas, there will definitely be lists.
A to do list for decorating, gift buying, grocery shopping, etc. Then there’s the list of gifts that need to be purchased for each person.
But you know what list I haven’t been making?
My Advent list to prepare for the coming of Jesus!
I get so caught up in all the secular activities surrounding Christmas I forget about the importance of the Catholic aspect of the season. Advent is just as important as Lent and it requires its own preparation, special prayers, and activities.
This week’s issue of Genuflect gets a head start on preparing our hearts for Christmas. We look at the history of Advent, different ways to prepare for Advent, ideas to celebrate Advent, what Gaudete Sunday is, Advent crafts and activities for kids, and the meaning of some common Christmas terms.
The first Sunday of Advent is December 1st. That gives us 12 days to plan our Advent to properly prepare our hearts for Christmas. This year, I’ll be making an Advent list and checking it twice!
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
P.S. Let’s not overlook that this Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the King. We covered this feast day last year.
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The History of Advent
We don’t know exactly when the season of Advent was first created. It was likely somewhere in the latter part of the 6th century and first half of the 7th century. It’s evolved over the years. Here’s the fascinating history of Advent and its traditions.
The History of The Advent Season | Catholic Exchange
Advent in 2 Minutes
Busted Halo has put together a 2 minute video that covers what Advent is all about. My favorite quote in the video is: “If you’re sick of Christmas by December 25, you haven’t done Advent correctly.” This video tells you how to do it right!
WATCH: Advent in Two Minutes | Busted Halo
5 Ways to Prepare for Advent
It’s easy to lose focus during Advent and find yourself at Christmas Mass wondering how Advent passed so quickly. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are 5 simple ways to prepare your heart for Advent.
5 Simple Ways to Prepare Your Heart For Jesus This Advent | BeliefNet
Prepare a Quiet Advent
And here are six more ways to prepare for Advent, with a focus on removing the normal hustle and bustle. I particularly like #3. We’ve got 2.5 weeks to get that one done!
6 Ways to Prepare a Quiet Advent Now | Blessed is She
A No Worries Advent
Christmas requires a lot of planning with cards, gifts, parties, etc. So why not plan in advance how to spend your Advent preparing rather than rushing? Here are 4 ways.
A No-Worries Advent | Catholic Mom
10 Advent Traditions to Try
If you’d like to make your Advent more meaningful this year, look no further. Here are 10 ways you can celebrate Advent like a Catholic.
10 Meaningful Advent Traditions to Try This Year | Busted Halo
Gaudete Sunday Explained
The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. Here’s everything you need to know from where the name came from, when it is, and why it’s a joyous occasion.
What is Gaudete Sunday And How is it Observed? | Learn Religions
How to Use an Advent Wreath
“The beauty of the Advent wreath is that it is a constant reminder of the upcoming celebration of Christmas. It reminds us to prepare our own hearts to receive the Light of Christ and to keep it burning each and every day.” Here is a step-by-step introduction to the practice.
How to Use an Advent Wreath | Aleteia
Advent Crafts For Kids
Reinforce the true meaning of Advent with your kids with some of these fun Advent crafts and activities. There’s sure to be something here you’ll want to do with your kids.
Advent and Christmas Crafts and Activities for Kids | Catholic Icing
11 Christmas Words Meanings
We sing these words in Christmas Carols. But do you know the meaning of the word Yuletide? What about Wassailing? Or Crèche or Noël? Here are the definitions of 11 common Christmas terms.
The Meanings of 11 Christmas Words You Never Quite Understood | ChurchPOP
genuflect: prayer
Pray the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena
The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena begins on November 30th and continues daily until Christmas Eve. You’ll find all the instructions for praying The Saint Andrew Christmas Novena here.
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Digital Inspiration

Click below to download this week’s free Holy Spirit inspirational wallpaper for your desktop and your phone.
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