Hey there,
We’ve looked at a lot of the Marian feast days celebrated in the Catholic Church. But there are not many bigger than the one we celebrated yesterday … Our Lady of Guadalupe.
She’s the Patroness of the Americas, which of course includes the US. And she’s also the Patroness of the unborn.
The miracles surrounding Our Lady of Guadalupe are credited with converting millions of Mexicans to Catholicism in the 7 years following the events of 1531.
The Shrine built outside Mexico City on the site of Our Lady’s apparitions to Juan Diego draws more pilgrims annually than any other in the world … including the Vatican!
That alone may be enough to pique your interest to learn more, but Our Lady’s iconic image that was left on Juan Diego’s tilma … that is still there today … makes it even more amazing.
So, this week’s issue of Genuflect reflects on the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, her messages and direction to build a temple, the miraculous image of Our Lady that appeared on his tilma to serve as proof, the purpose of Our Lady’s appearances, and all the miracles that have been attributed to the well-known image.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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genuflect: resources
Our Lady of Guadalupe
If you don’t read any of these resources, don’t miss this one prepared by EWTN. It’s a comprehensive overview of Our Lady of Guadalupe, from the story of the apparitions and why she’s called Guadalupe, to FAQs about the tilma, Saint Juan Diego, and much more.
Our Lady of Guadalupe | EWTN
The Impact of Our Lady of Guadalupe
In order to understand the full impact of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s appearances, you need to know what was going on at the time, not only in the region of what is now Mexico. Dr. Allison Low explains the Aztec culture, Cortes’s Conquest, the conversion of millions to Catholicism … and the continuing impact today of the most visited pilgrimage site in the world.
The Continuing Impact of Our Lady of Guadalupe | Catholic Stand
5 Miraculous Facts
There are many incredible aspects to the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Here are 5 key miraculous facts you need to know.
5 Miraculous Facts About Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas | ChurchPOP
The Language of The Tilma
The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a lovely image. But if you look closely, it takes on a whole new meaning. Sister Mary Claire Strasser shares how the imagery and symbolism of the image spoke directly to the Aztecs in their language. And how it still speaks to us today.
Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Miraculous Tilma | Blessed is She
The Miraculous Image
The iconic image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was not created by human hands, but left on Juan Diego’s tilma. Almost 500 years later it still remains. This 20-minute documentary video explains many of the miracles of the tilma and its imagery. You’ll even find a couple of facts here that are not covered in the other resources. Enjoy!
The Many Mysteries of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Documentary | ChurchPOP
Patroness of The Unborn
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the unborn, thanks to two Popes. Here’s the back story.
Why is Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of The Unborn | Catholic News Agency
New National Shrine in Dallas
This year, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe located in Dallas, Texas was granted national shrine status by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Here’s the rich history of the Cathedral and the process they went through to get this designation.
Downtown’s Cathedral Guadalupe, a Critical Piece of Little Mexico, Is Now a National Shrine | D Magazine
Guadalupe Working Today
Maggie Kim shares her heartwarming story of how Our Lady of Guadalupe worked in her life, as well as her husband’s … and even in their first born child.
Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family | Blessed is She
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Marian Inspiration on Your Desktop And Phone
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