Hey there,
As I’m sure you’re well aware, tomorrow is Saint Patrick’s Day. A day when just about everyone is Irish … whether by blood or not.
And a day to celebrate the Saint who evangelized to the Irish people.
But there are other Saints we honor in the month of March … 9 in fact. All are inspiring to those of us whose goal is to get to heaven.
Their stories range from martyrs who gave the ultimate sacrifice to not denounce God; and lay men and women who gave up everything in their life to serve the needs of others; to Catholic bishops; and Jesus’ earthly father, Saint Joseph.
This week’s issue of Genuflect studies all 9 of the Saints the Catholic Church honors during the month of March. Each one offers us a glimpse of what it takes to become a saint.
Keep Believing-
Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect
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Saint Katherine Drexel
We celebrate Saint Katherine Drexel each year on March 3rd. She dedicated her life to serving Native Americans and African Americans and founded Xavier University … and she did even more. Learn more about this amazing Saint who was the second American to be canonized.
St. Katharine Drexel | Catholic Online
Saint Casimir of Poland
We honor Saint Casimir of Poland on March 4th. Born Casimir Jagiellon in 1458, he was the third of 13 children to the King of Poland. Though born into royalty, Casimir was devoted to God, wearing plain clothes, sleeping on the floor, and spending hours in prayer.
St. Casimir of Poland | Catholic News Agency
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
You will recall that in the First Eucharistic prayer, the priest mentions several martyrs, including Felicity and Perpetua, who we memorialize on March 7th. If you are not familiar with the account of their imprisonment and death, you’ll want to give this a read. Although it dates back to 203 AD, we have Perpetua’s diary from their time in jail and eyewitness testimony about their gruesome death.
Saints Perpetua and Felicity | My Catholic Life
Saint John of God
If you are impulsive, then Saint John of God is the Saint for you! Over the course of his whole life he acted on his impulses, beginning at the age of 8 when he ran away from home with a priest. That was only the beginning of a life of impulses that served others. We honor this Saint on March 8th.
St. John of God | Catholic Online
Saint Frances of Rome
Saint Frances of Rome is a great example of following God’s plan, even when it goes against your own wishes. At a very young age she wanted to become a nun, but Frances’ noble father had a marriage arranged for her. She begrudgingly married and years later after fulfilling her original vocation was able to fulfill her childhood desire to become a nun. March 9th is the day we honor Saint Frances.
St. Frances of Rome | Catholic Online
Saint Patrick
Of course, everyone knows we celebrate Saint Patrick on March 17th. Last year, Genuflect covered this Irish Saint so here’s a look back at his inspiring journey through life, how he came to be a Saint, how his day is celebrated around the world … and even beyond, ways you can celebrate … and not celebrate … and there’s some fun too with the best St. Patrick’s Day memes, and more Irish phrases.
Celebrating The Saint in St. Patrick’s Day | Genuflect
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
We honor Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, a fourth-century bishop and Doctor of the Church on March 18th. His writings are still studied today. Pope Benedict XVI praised the saint for providing an “integral” form of Christian instruction, “involving body, soul, and spirit.” St. Cyril’s teaching, the Pope said, “remains emblematic for the catechetical formation of Christians today.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem | Catholic News Agency
Saint Joseph
March 19th is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We looked at St. Joseph two years ago, including his best titles, why he’s not mentioned more in the Bible, what we can learn from St. Joseph, how to honor him and model after him, and a number of ways to pray to Saint Joseph for his intercession.
Why we Need St. Joseph Now More Than Ever | Genuflect
Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo
Saint Turibius was selected in 1575 by the King of Spain to be the Archbishop of Peru. Amazingly, he wasn’t even a priest. Read how this Saint answered the call and devoted his life to the conversion and spiritual life of Peru and beyond. We celebrate Saint Turibius on March 23rd.
Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop | My Catholic Life
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