Hey there, You’ve probably seen a magician perform a levitation. It might have been a famous act like David Copperfield … or even an unknown street magician. He appears to float up above the ground. They want us to believe they have special powers. But like all the other magic tricks, we know it’s an optical illusion. So when we hear about Saints who levitated while on Earth, we may be …
The Real Saint Mary Magdalene
Hey there, What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the name Mary Magdalene? Chances are it may not be accurate. That’s thanks to Catholics in the Middle Ages who spread all kinds of inaccuracies about her. Most notably that she was a prostitute before becoming a follower of Jesus. Though there’s no Biblical evidence of that … she was a sinner. Jesus cast out 7 demons from her. …
Getting to Know Saint Junípero Serra
Hey there, You may recall a year ago when the US was in lockdown and protestors took to the streets. Many statues of historical figures were vandalized and even torn down. In California, one statue desecration caught my attention. The likeness of Saint Junípero Serra was toppled to the ground in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. I wasn’t sure why a Catholic Saint was getting …
Celebrating The Saint in St. Patrick’s Day
Hey there, Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit! That’s “Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!” in Irish. Today is March 17th when the Catholic church and the whole world celebrate St. Patrick. Of course, a lot of the world sees the day as a time to celebrate their Irish heritage more so than the Saint. And as the saying goes, on St. Patrick’s Day, we’re all Irish. So everyone else can get in on the …
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Saints: What’s in a Name?
Hey there, What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; This of course is the famous line by Juliet in Act II Scene II of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Juliet is explaining to her love that it matters not what things are called … the name doesn’t change its essence. And so I ask, what’s with all these different Saint names? Some are …
Why we Need St. Joseph Now More Than Ever
Hey there, Every day I read through the latest Catholic news and am astounded. Brothers battling in court over whether to pull the plug on their mother according to her DNR, despite her pleas now that she wants to live. A divorced mother suing to proceed with gender reassignment on her young son despite the father’s insistence that he wants to remain a boy. The country that forced an …
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On Becoming a Saint
Hey there, For those of us going about our busy lives, trying our best to live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and trying to get to heaven, perhaps nothing is more encouraging than seeing new saints canonized by the church. It’s a reminder that (1) it is possible to get to heaven and (2) miracles are still being performed, even in the 21st century! Of course, we know that …
This Week’s Top Resources for Celebrating Love
Hey there, In honor of St. Valentine’s Day tomorrow, this week’s issue of Genuflect is all about … Love. Love God. Love yourself. Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your parents. Love your husband. Love your wife. Love your children. Love one another. Love your enemies. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not …
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