Hey there, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is known by many, many names. Many. There are so many, I guarantee there are some you’ve never heard of. Some are names like Blessed Virgin Mother, Mother of Good Counsel, and Comforter of the Afflicted. Some are titles based on apparitions like Our Lady of the Pillar, Our Lady of Lourdes, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Litany of the Blessed …
Asking for the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Intercession
Hey there, Children have a special bond with their mother … whether it’s a biological mother, an adopted mother, a grandmother, or a mother figure. Mothers have our best interest at heart. They love us unconditionally and go to great lengths to support us any way they can. And we rely on these special women. Maybe a little too much. Cooking, cleaning, laundry service, taxi driver, hair …
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Embracing Saints Peter And Paul
Hey there, Tomorrow, June 29th, we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Both are Apostles of Jesus Christ. Both played a significant role in the formation of our Catholic Church. So you might think each one is deserving of his own special day. Technically, they each do have an individual feast with the Chair of St. Peter on February 22 and the Conversion of St. Paul on …
Harnessing The Power of The Most Holy Name of Mary
Hey there, Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mother of our Lord, holds a special place in our hearts. We have countless titles for her and numerous Marian feast days. One of those feast days is coming up on September 12th and it’s called The Most Holy Name of Mary. So naturally, this got me thinking about the name Mary. Interestingly, from the time that the United States started tracking the …
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Memorializing The Passion of Saint John The Baptist
Hey there, There are many Saints who we celebrate over the course of our Catholic Liturgical Calendar. A day hardly goes by that we aren’t celebrating at least one Saint. And some days multiple Saints. But there are three whose birth and death we memorialize. Of course there’s our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, then there’s his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary … and there's one more. John the …
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The Miraculous Incorruptibles
Hey there, Part of a saint’s canonization process involves exhuming the body. And it’s typically done more than once. There’s an identification that is necessary … and later they need to gather relics. There may be a third time to move the body to a new resting place. Sometimes when they exhume the body, even after 20, 50, or more years, the body has not experienced normal decay … despite …
God’s Workings Through The Saints of May
Hey there, May is here and we’ll hopefully be reaping the flowers from the April showers soon. It’s the month we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary. And there are 15 feast days we celebrate Saints. The Saints we honor this month lived anywhere from 14 years old up to their 80s. They were Popes, bishops, priests, nuns, and even a few lay people. Some died for their faith. And one even …
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Recognizing The Saints of April
Hey there, The month of April is almost over, but before we move on to May, let’s take a look at the Saints who the Catholic Church recognizes this month. Aside from the fact that I had never heard of most of these Saints, several of them also share the commonality of evangelization. There’s a hermit, a teacher, a couple of missionaries, a virgin, and a pope. Each life provides insight …
All About The Consecration to The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hey there, It’s hard to miss news coverage about the war going on in Ukraine. No doubt many prayer requests are being offered! Pope Francis decided it’s time to call on the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So this Friday, March 25th the Pope will Consecrate Ukraine, Russia, and the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This may sound familiar. In 1917 Our Lady appeared to the …
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Honoring Our March Saints
Hey there, As I’m sure you’re well aware, tomorrow is Saint Patrick’s Day. A day when just about everyone is Irish … whether by blood or not. And a day to celebrate the Saint who evangelized to the Irish people. But there are other Saints we honor in the month of March … 9 in fact. All are inspiring to those of us whose goal is to get to heaven. Their stories range from martyrs who …
Honoring And Praying For Martyrs
Hey there, We all make sacrifices. Especially parents. But in any relationship there comes a time when we put the other person ahead of ourselves. What do you want to have for dinner? What movie do you want to go see? Where do you want to go on vacation? Fortunately, our sacrifices rarely involve life or death. This was not the case for the Saints who are martyrs. They refused …
How Saints Used Bilocation For God’s Work
Hey there, Have you ever wanted to be in two places at the same time? With our busy lifestyles, it’s probable you’ve thought about this on more than one occasion. We definitely could accomplish a lot more! So perhaps it’s not so far fetched to believe that Our Lord would use this type of miracle to accomplish more of HIs work through His beloved Saints. The phenomenon is called …
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